Sunday, May 18, 2008

We Have Been Lied To.

Dixie and I are very mad pugs. You know how I thought we might be going to the Monon, or maybe the park? We did not do this. Instead we got... a BATH.

Mommy and Daddy said it had been far too long since our last bath. Since I am rather difficult, Mommy actually has to get in with me and hold me there or I will jump out- now she is covered in scratches. It's okay though because she knows I love her. I just am not made for water! Dixie is fine though, she's so dumb she keeps licking and thinks she's in a big water bowl.

Then we got to run around naked! We were so happy, Mommy and Daddy couldn't even get that great of a picture!

Then after we got dressed, we went outside in our back yard while Daddy grilled some chicken, pork chops, and corn. They also had a marinated tomato, onion, and feta salad. It smelled soooo delicious. We think Ozzie and Rocky would be proud of the tomatoes they used too. We wish they had shared!!! When I got inside, I found Dixie trying on Mommy's necklace.

SNPM Participants... do NOT let this Bugg inspire you!!!!!


The Devil Dog said...

Well, you look cute with the necklace on, but I don't think I will be wearing one any time soon. We can't wait to see all the model photos.

Roxy & Lucky

Stanley said...


It looks to me like Dixie knows that accessories are the KEY to fashion, even if she is a big GOOBER BUG!

You, however, look very sweet and dignified even if you are completely nekkid.

Goob love,

Duke said...

The sounds of this luscious food is making us drool! You got some of it, right?
You look so darn pretty in your red necklace, Dixie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch