Monday, May 19, 2008

Narnia Pugs

Hi doggie & human friends. The girls clearly were not happy campers yesterday. No, we did not share any of our delicious tomato, onion and feta salad with them- they just wouldn't listen to us when we told them that onions are bad for them. They did get tiny bits of pork and chicken. Trust me, they were spoiled just enough.

We saw two movies this weekend, Iron Man (which ROCKED) and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (in preparation for Prince Caspian.) Both were amazing! I read the latter when I was a kid, and it was weird how it all came back to me! The puggies were exhausted after their running-around time outside with us and decided to watch the movie too. They acted tough, but this was them during the fight scene:

Some tough pugs they are! Sophie will of course not be happy that I posted this- it's okay Soph-a-loaf, we know that under normal conditions, Dixie would be the little spoon. It's just an intense movie.


Nevis said...

Cool! :)

Ruby Bleu said...

so so cute!!

Archie and Melissa said...

Hi Sophie and Dixie!
Oh! You look so cute all clean and in your mom's necklaces.
Emmitt better get spruced up to be all ready for your contest. He is getting his beauty sleep now, but shhhh, I have not told him about his bath.
We are glad you all had fun this weekend watching movies!
m & e

Duke said...

Bummer that you didn't get any of that tasty sounding salad but at least you got to see 2 great movies!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Paula said...

I am sure their are spoiled, but ask anypuggy, its never enough

The Devil Dog said...

What a cute picture. PlusOne wants to see Iron Man & Caspian. Sigh. I just want more popcorn.


Joe Stains said...

what a CUTE picture!!!

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

It sounds like you two have been having some fun times, even though you had to get baths and didn't get to eat as much people food as you would have liked! We didn't realize how far behind we had gotten on your blog. We told Mom she better get on the ball! Oh, we were also very impressed by your mad modeling skills! You two really should be professionals!
Ozzie & Rocky

Stanley said...

I LOVE the Soph-a-loaf and the Dixie Bagel photo! THey're amazingly sweet looking... when they're asleep. hehehe

Actually, they crack me up everytime I see their faces!

Thanks for sharing, mama de Pug & BUGG!

Goober love,

Myeo said...

So sweet!

Boy n Baby