Hi everyone, Sophie here to wish you a Happy Halloweenie. I'm not sure why we celebrate this since we're not wiener dogs but you know I just don't understand these stupid holidays... Halloweenie.... the Fork of July... I mean come on.
I am happy to report that NO ONE has guessed our costume correctly! Woohoo! Surprises to come.
Great news! MY PUG FRIENDS HAVE A BLOG! It is The Pug Possee so please go visit and give them some pug lovin'. My bestie Jasmine wrote and then her brothers and sisters Eli, Pippin, Bernice and Ernie will write some other time maybe. Hopefully about the same as Harley and Bugg write. Clearly, I mean, we are princesses.
Also, Punchy at Pug Possessed is having a bug costume contest inspired by "C's" Halloween costume. That would be... a bee! So we are clearly entering since my cohort Bugg and I won first place in the group costume contest as a bee and flower. Here are the photos we entered, taken by Vikki. Vikki is the mama to my pug friends who just started that blog! Cool, right?

Here we are sitting on Mama's lap (well me and then Bugg looking dumb.)

And then above is Dixie looking super stupid and me being blocked by her stupidity. GRR.
You can also see us and learn about our winning here, on the KPR website! Ours is the 5th picture. Can't wait to see what everyone else submits to Punchy! And don't forget to visit Pug Possee!