pee-s... sorry if you saw this entry pop up in your blog roll earlier- I had problems uploading the pics this morning so I deleted it and am now re-posting!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Sophie in the Doghouse
Sophie is in major trouble.
Yesterday morning, I was laying on the couch and she was on my chest. One of the Aflac commercials came on and the duck made his annoying noises, and Sophie decided to attack, as you can see above. She used my face as her launching pad (we don't go 20 minutes here without the girls freaking out at the TV) and I ended up with 2 scratches on my face and a HORRIBLE scratch on my lip. See the white area and red scratch? It's so swollen and hurts.
Guess which pug I'm currently not talking to?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Chef Dixie Bugg THROWS DOWN
Well guys, I am *such* a proud pug Mama... Dixie is apparently famous? She told me yesterday that while we were at PETCO with Sophie, she had a THROWDOWN with Chef Bobby Flay?!?!

Apparently, The Bugg is known far and wide for her great palate and skill for cooking and enjoying poop. Her discerning tastes for the most avant-garde poop recipes earned her a spot on Bobby's hit list.
They matched up and Bugg was ready for the challenge. Both chefs got their utensils ready and started cooking. I'm really shocked and disappointed that I missed this!

Bobby presented a lovely carrot encrusted poop pile accented with a succulent side of poblano-corn casserole a la poo. However, Dixie countered with deep-fried poop nuggets, stuffed with peas and served with a pumpkin and peanut butter dipping sauce.
Well as I'm sure you have guessed, Dixie's nuggets were a hit! (Who WERE these judges?) She won the Throwdown and Bobby Flay left with his tail between his legs (figuratively speaking, of course.) Though victorious, Bugg has had a belly ache from all that poop eating!
How do you like your poop, doggies?
Sunday, January 17, 2010
PETCO with our buddies!
Hey guys it's Sophie! Today was PAWWWESOMEEEEE since I got to go to PETCO and see some of my buddies!
I made mom carry me around a lot in the store because I'm super important.
Everyone kept commenting on my TONGUE? You know I don't even realize it sticks out til I see embarrassing pictures like this! Luckily my Momma still loves me!
I was workin' it for KPR with my buddies Hank, (from I Tell Ya What) Brutus, and (not pictured below) Yoda (from The Pugs Strike Back.)
I was giving extra attention to Hanklin since his sister Becca went to the Rainbow Bridge this week. If you guys like maybe you can give him a nice shout out. I can't imagine losing one of my siblings! (Don't tell them I said that.)
Yoda had the right idea trying to take a quick nap. Being a pugbassador is quite a taxing job.
The day was rich with treats and pets. When I got home, everyone was sooo happy to see me! I like this workin' gal thing!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Dixie <3's Murphy
Dixie asked me to post this picture, it's the first picture from the Calendar that she made for Murphy for their Anniversary.

Murphy's Mama is having a tough time and taking time off from helping him blog, so she wanted to go ahead and post this for him to remind him how much she LOVES him! We hope you are all still leaving some nice barks and notes for them and sending pawsitive vibes their way!
Happy "Janyooerry!"
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Lotssss of SNOWS?
These are what our nighttime "walkies" look like now.
Naturally, we ladies only walk in the tire treads. Harles is braver... look at him, peeing on the garage!
We have to move quick so we don't freeze our paws off.
Besides the driveway, we will sometimes poop on the side of the house too. You can't be too close to the house, just in case Mom should open the door. Then you RUN IN.
Is it spring yet?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Buggy R.S.V.P...
I was crazy intense busy this weekend assembling our wedding invitations (slash announcements of the change to have no formal reception) and that involved designing and printing wrap-around address labels and map inserts, as well as rounding off all corners so they look snazzy. Oh and lots of paper cutting. All of this has been overly documented on my other blog, and I should officially finish tonight! But what I thought you all would love...
Yep it's DAT BUGG gracing the front. The back says "...and crazy about all of you!" We went more informal/fun/funky because of our changes, and seeing this makes me REALLY happy.
I happen to have like, 100 extra (I needed 120-150 and the only order quantities were 100 or 250... so I went with 250!) Therefore, if any of you love Dixie as much as we do (coughallisoncough) and would want to be the proud "owner" of one of these - you know, to stick at your desk to make you smile, or frame as crazy art or something - let me know. I have plenty to share!
Because really if I don't give them away, it's either wallpaper our dining room with them, or use them as coasters.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Christmas Gifts part one
So we are the poopiest bloggers ever. Part is that our humans have been BORRRING and part is that we are cold since it's winter and so we're in partial hibernation and part is that our mom doesn't take her camera with her enough!
Anyways we got lots of great prezzies for Christmas & the holidays, including lots of them from YOU GUYS! We got some nice prezzies from Harry Pugalicious and cards from a bunch of you, but we'll talk about those soon. Right now we need to show you what Murphy got for Dixie Bugg!
When she saw the Punk Rock Dogg tag, we all squealed in jealousy. LOOK AT THIS COLLAR SHE GOT! PINK STUDDED COLLAR.
I'll admit, I was jealous. Plus she got a love note.
Of course there were treats since Murph knows the way to Bugg's heart.
And there was a really sexy throw for us all to lay on! Dixie swore she could smell Murphy a little on it.
And what is winter without a penguin? Look at this glorious stuffie!!!!!
Basically, I need a boyfriend. Dixie is WAY spoiled and I'm jealous.
Please go visit Murphy and send good vibes to his family. They are on a blogging hiatus and need some paw-sitive thoughts!