Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Treats from Meagan

Meagan, my co-worker and Mommy to Lola and Izzy, gave me some treats she baked for her girls so that Sophie and Dixie could get some too! Don't worry, it was not used as a bribe in the competition (although bribes are accepted! LOL LOL!)

This is me giving them the apple training treats. They were softer and smaller, and smelled very apple-y!

Here, I am giving them the bigger ones, carob-covered peanut butter bones. They look deeeee-lic-ious!

They just went to town on those treats... look at them go!

Such cutie-patooties!

I can't wait until tomorrow when I can announce next week's challenge! Stay tuned! I think this next one will be easier for some than others... wink, wink!


Joe Stains said...

we can't wait either!? those treats look so totally pawesome!

Duke said...

hummmmmmmmmmm - will it be a treats challenge photo? We can't wait to hear!
Those treats sure do look yummy!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

I can't wait either .. it's sooooo exciting.
I'm sitting here all excited and at the same time my tongue is hanging out doing a homer as ails says.

lots of licks


Archie and Melissa said...

Dixie and Sophie make me smile everyday!
They are cutie patooties!

Nevis said...

Post recipes! (They look divine)