Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tables, Vet, and RUBY!

What a BUSY day we have had! We got more done by 3 than most pugs get done in a week!!!!

First, we watched Mommy and Daddy put together their patio furniture.

Then, they FINALLY closed the gate and let us out- weeeee! This is me helping Daddy with the table.

I did not want to help. At all. But it beat watching them work. After what seemed like hours, they were done with the table! Dixie and I tested it out.

Daddy really loves us. We approve of their furniture. We were excited to hop in the car, we figured we were going to the Monon, or to the Meetup for Pugs. However, this was FALSE. We went to the V-E-T! Mommy and Daddy needed to get us a check-up. Luckily, everything was good! I still have my knee problems but they don't bother me at all. Dixie is stupid, but really that's the only problem they could find. Oh, and our breath, it was STINKY. We almost made the vet pass out!

We were excited to be done with the vet, mostly because it meant we would get a play-date with our new friend, RUBY! Not Wonder-Ruby, but a different, mutt-tastic Ruby. This is her:

Isn't she pretty!!?!?!? Well, don't tell her I think that. I was a little standoffish, or at least that's what Mommy called me. Dixie wasn't, though. She went right in and grabbed Ruby's bone!

I couldn't believe it! Ruby just sat there and let her eat it! So, naturally, I had to try.

Whenever Ruby came up to me I growled at her a lot. Mommy says I am prejudice and only like pugs. Whatever. Look how good I look!

After I took control, Dixie decided she LIKED Ruby, and started playing with her and a hot dog. It was cute and everything, but I decided it was time to go.

After this pathetic outburst we went home. I'm not sure how I feel about this mutt. She's only a puppy, but I guess we'll see how she turns out. I can't let her overtake Dixie. I see what's happening to Winston with Cosette, I figure, I have to keep my guard up.


Duke said...

We love that picture of you and Ruby tugging together, Dixie! hehehe
Happy mother's day to your mom!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ruby Bleu said...

Must be that any pup with the name Ruby are destined to be bootiful!!!

I LOVE the tug much fun!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Sophie! Dixie! we sniffed over to give you some big welcome licks. we far behind welcoming new DWBr's You got a way cool bloggie

waggin TX tails barking loud lot of the time

pee ess: Happy Mother's Day to the mommies

The Devil Dog said...

It's okay, Dixie. Your mom and dad won't love anyone more than you two, trust me.


Too Cute Pugs said...

You guys look like you had a fun weekend! We don't blame you for not wanting to help your daddy with the work. Blah. Work. That's for the humans.

Your new friend is pretty cute but you're probably wise to growl at him when he comes near your bone. Who knows what he'll do? Yeah, he's a puppy but puppy's are CRAZY (just ask Daisy).

Happy pug snorts!
Pearl & Daisy