Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Mayhem!

Yesterday was soooo busy, we didn't even get to post! Dixie and I forgot it was Mother's Day and didn't do anything for Mommy in advance. But we spent the whole day with her and gave her lots of kisses, so it was ok! She loves us a lot, I know it.

We were the spokespugs again today for KPR's table at PETCO. Mommy said we were quite popular! There weren't many people at PETCO though because everyone was probably with their mommies and families eating breakfast (or brunch) in bed. We looked darn good though!

Our table was right next to the treat bar which was TORTURE!!!! I made the best use of my time by trying to get someone- ANYONE- to buy Dixie.

No takers. Oh well, maybe next month. Since it was rainy, Mommy INSISTED that we wear the raincoats she got at PETCO that day. I think we look so stupid, I look as dumb as Dixie when I wear the raincoat. She liked hers though... what a loser!

I am pretty much ashamed to show my face in public in that thing. We went home to celebrate Mother's Day with Mom and my Grandmas and Aunts and Uncles (Uncle Andrew was there!!!!) and of course Daddy did the grilling. It smelled DELISH. But they made us wear our raincoats STILL while we were inside!

Ridiculous! Uncle Jeremy's girlfriend Sami showed Mommy how to change the settings on her camera and she did some cool effects, using us as her models.

This was our raincoats being the focus.

This is my beautiful pink tongue.

And here is an extreme-closeup Dixie! Ew!

Also in attendance was Uncle Webster.

He's grandmas' dog and Mommy said he might be mean to us, but he turned out to be very nice!

He was a little shy but eventually hung out with Dixie. I'm still somewhat anti-social so I hung back. He is a Shih Tzu and we let him say hi to our neighbor's Shih Tzu doggies. They all ran in circles, I think he prefers Shih Tzus just like I prefer pugs. Oh well- it was cool to have everyone over! Happy Belated Mother's Day to all the mommies out there!


Punchbugpug said...

Oh, we love the raincoats!!!

Duke said...

We think you look adorable in your raincoats!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Oh your raincoats are so sweet! Indy has a pink one and she HATES it.. refuses to go the bathroom when she has it on!

Hope your mom enjoyed her kisses and cuddles!

Ruby Bleu said...

You look like two little banannananas - hee hee hee!

Happy Mother's Day to your mom...
Lots of Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

I wish someone would buy Tanner! WE have stinky raincoats too and we HATE them. You guys look pretty cute though!

Anonymous said...

Hello, nice to meet ya Sophie and Dixie. I gave my Mommy lots of licky kisses on Mother's Day ! and thanks for dropping by our Blog too - Mimi the Pug

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

Those are some way cute photos. I would totally buy Dixie!