Saturday, May 24, 2008


OMD OMD OMD!! Mommy is all busy making a cake for the paw-ty today, (which looks DELISH by the way!) and so I jumped on email (I am a savvy emailing pug) and saw that the hottie Salinger has STARTED A BLOG!!!!

I love it!!!! His pictures had me LOL-ing and swooning, especially that football one of him and his cool brother. I have always LOVED football players!!

Thanks for all your encouraging, everyone- go welcome Salinger to the DWB community!!!

Oh yea, and by the way I found Dixie looking at past Pug Meetup videos on Mommy's Mac. I think she might have an addition to puggie vids. Look at that bugged out eye!!!


Duke said...

We're on our way to say hi to Salinger! Thanks for telling us, Sophie and Dixie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

alanajonesmann said...

haha i love that photo...riley and dylan love staring at my computer screen if i'm watching a dog youtube video!

and we love your blog...definitely adding you to our blog roll!!


Salinger The Pug said...

Hi Sophie (and Dixie too...I think you're both "fetching" HAHAHA)! YES...Mommy started my blog for me and everyone tells her she's crazy!

I can't wait to get some pics with you at the next meetup, and sneak a few kisses too!

Mommy added some more stuff to my blog (videos and fun stuff in the margin) and she's still trying to figure a few other things out.

Happy Sunday!

STP (Salinger The Pug)