Since our good pal Sal is willing to kill for them, we talked Mom and Dad into picking up a bag of Pegetables for us!

We actually haven't had treats for like, a month (I KNOW!?! Has anypug called the authorities yet?) so we were happy to gnaw on these peggies.

I got a corn pegetable.

The package says something about "do not let pet gulp. Gulping can be fatal." WTH does GULPING mean? Apparently Harles did it since his pegetable was like, all the way in his mouth and Mom took it away. We chewed politely... chicks rule!

Dixie had a carrot pegetable and ate it politely as well.

I got that corn down to a shank, sort of like Tanner does a lot.

Dixie worked on like, a carrot shank? BOL! That's so dumb!

But then Mom took them from ALL of us since we could fit them all the way in our mouth and it scared her. The celery was Harles', he really went to town in the 2.6 seconds he had it.

I was like, what the bark? WHERE are our pegetables?!?!?! (ps check out Harles' little teeth nubs in this picture!!! I BOL'd for like 2 HOURS!!!!!! BOL BOL!)

We had to stare at the Pegetable bag for like, forever. Mom said she's giving them to Sal since apparently he can handle them and we can't without threatening choking and dying.

This is total crap!!! Life is tough.