Wednesday, May 21, 2008

SNPM Challenge 1 Results

Hi there, Sophie fans- it's me, Sophalicious! I am sure you are all anxiously awaiting the results from this week's challenge: "Me and my stuffies."

The winner is...

You can check out the panel's comments about this photo as well as all of the participants' in the Week 1 Challenge Flickr set here. We loved how she incorporated a fierce look with the softness and color of loofah stuffies.

Dixie and I were so very impressed with all the entries that we decided to give out honorable mentions each week for the most humorous, fierce, photogenic, and cute photos. Here they are:

Most Humorous: Preston!

Most fierce: Rosie!

Most photogenic: Izzy! (No blog)

Most cute: Le Mops!

Great job everyone!!! We will announce the next challenge tomorrow. Don't forget to look at all the entries on Flickr!

NOTE: Some pictures' captions on the Flickr page did not save (I'm learning!) so if the caption of your pug wasn't there before, it is now! I'm sorry! -Sophie & Dixie's Mommy


Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We are big Martha fans from way back! She's going to be very tough competition and hard to beat! Way to go Miss Martha!
Ozzie & Rocky

Clover said...

Congrats to Martha and all the honourable mentions! This is such a fun competition! Good job, Sophie! (And Dixie, and mama!)
Love Clover xo

Nevis said...

Congrats to Martha & the honorable mentions. I need to get my puggie ass in gear and get these in!

Archie and Melissa said...

Congratulations Martha and to all of the honorable mentions too! All of the photos are wonderful on Flickr. There is so much love in every photo. It made my day!We cannot wait until tomorrow!
Melissa and Emmitt

Ruby Bleu said...

That Martha...she always wins!!! All the pix were so pawsome!!! Can't wait for the next challenge!!!

Lots of licks, Ruby

SotongFurkids said...

We Love the 2nd picture !!!
Though we are not the selected ones but we will be back for the challenge again... woohoo....
Twister & Furby

Duke said...

Congratulations to everyone! What tough decisions! You had GREAT photos to choose from!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Punchbugpug said...

Congrats Martha! Fun contest, we'll be getting our fur ready for the next one!

Puggle Preston said...

Thanks for the honorable mention, Sophie and Dixie. I had a lot of fun posing with my stuffies (I did get yummy treats after the "abuse"). I love Martha's picture. She can be the spokedog for the loofah stuffies.


The Devil Dog said...

Martha's is a really great photo. We loved the captions. What a great contest. We can't wait for the next one.

Roxy & Lucky

Chewie said...

congrats to everypug except the lil Alien Le Mops. Your stuffies are enviable!


Myeo said...

Congratulations Martha!

I really had fun and i cant wait for the second challenge.All the entries are so beautiful and you girls really did an awesome job.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Martha, a beautiful pose from her.
Job well as well to all the honourable mentions.

Great contest.

lots of licks


Too Cute Pugs said...

Congratulations Martha and to everyone else!

We're going to look at all the photos now.

Happy pug snorts!
Pearl & Daisy

Anonymous said...

such competition! great photos, evreyone!

Stanley said...

I should have known that Martha would win! The camera loves her.

Congratulatory goob smooches to you, Martha Girl! And more smooches to you, Sophie, Dixie & your mama for running this contest!

Goob love,

Martha said...

OMD! OMD! I am sooooo honored. Thank you! Love, Martha