Hi Bloggers, Kelly the Pug Momma here. I'm feeling down today since it is the five year anniversary of my Dad passing away. I'm having some great "me" time tonight to just cope, snuggle, watch TV, and not do ANYTHING... which is exactly what I need.

Here is a great picture of him and Oliver taken in November or December of 2003. I loved them both so much and he loved PUGS so much, especially Oli. Everyone take a moment today to tell those people who are special to you how much you care!
Thanks for letting me share. I promise, back to the usual non-depressing blogging soon. We have lots of awards that we'll post about tomorrow!
We hope you get lots of pug hugs and kisses tonight to make you feel better! We're here for you if you need someone to talk to.
Lots of pug hugs and kisses!
Vikki and the Pug Posse
Hugs to you today! Loosing a parent is something impossible to get over. We are thinking of you!
What a great photo. Hope you had a good 'me' day - it's good to take those sometimes, especially on a day like today. We're thinking of you....you know where we are if you need to chat. :)
That is a wonderful pic. Mom lost her dad almost 8 years ago, so she knows what you are feeling on the anniversary date. We are sending lots of hugs to you.
We're sending you lots of hugs, Miss Kelly!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
It is hard losing a parent and a loving pet. Lots of hugs and loving vibes are being sent your way!
Snuggle with your puggies & gets lots of feel better love. Have a wonderful me day, I'm snuggling for you!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Hi Pugs & Bugg Mom,
Me & Mama will be thinking of you today. My Mama's dad passed 9 years ago and she always gets weird around that time too.
But doggie lovin' can do wonders to soothe a sad heart!
Murphy Dogg
*licks & snuggles to your mama*
Big hugs to you Kelly. I think losing a parent is the one of the hardest things to go through.
Thinking of you,
Sue (Pearl & Daisy's mom)
Oh, if we were there we would snuggle in your lap, too. It is okay to miss your dad and be sad. He looks like a really nice man.
He is in heaven, watching you, you know that, don't you? I know that for a fact, because when my grandmother died, my aunt asked her to send her a sign that she was okay. She asked for a white rose. After her funeral, at the gravesite, my mother took a flower off the casket and gave it to my aunt. My aunt didn't want it, but my mother said "take it". My aunt looked down at it and realized it was a white rose.
So don't be too sad about your dad, he would be sad as well. He is there with you in spisit and always will be.
(((hugs))) You're in my thoughts today K.
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