Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday (from last Saturday's Pug Meetup)


Salinger The Pug said...

That one of Salinger (in the blue Colts jersey) kissing Sophie on the head is SO cute!!!!

You got GREAT pics too! I hope February's meetup is as warm as this one was (for winter!)

Kelly said...

Lots of pugs, a little bit of butt sniffing, and one caught-on-camera hump. Successful meetup!

Nevis said...

Looks like a blast! And I saw that humping, too!!! Baaahahahahaha!

Duke said...

We love our meet-ups too! They're such fun!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

oh, the humping! The one non-pug intruder, too! ahaha

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

God I am miserable at trying to post wordlessly. The BT intruder is named WOODY too hahahaha... short for Woodrow. And they were chasing around a cute lil puppy, you can see her in the humping picture, she was eating up all the attention.

Anonymous said...

Those are some cute puggies!! :)

Murphy Dogg said...

Figured the BT would do the humping ...
Murphy Dogg

Joe Stains said...

PUG OVERLOAD!! looks fun!