I'm not caving in to their obscene demands. They are now demanding 1 bag each of Nutro apple, berry, and carrot treats. One bag MAYBE, but three? No way. Dixie also asked for a pony, but I'm not so sure that will work out in her favor... ever.
I'm hoping this post will change their minds. Yesterday, one of my favorite websites- Mental_Floss- posted a great article on 8 Sports Your Dog Can Play. Now, I'm not sure whose dog they are talking about, because there is not one activity here that Sophie or Dixie could/would partake in. I particularly like the second one (dancing), and while Dixie I'm sure would volunteer, it would probably look worse than a drunk white guy dancing. (Sorry Dixie, you know I love you!)
Girls- if you don't shape up and downsize those demands, I'll make you do dog sports. More specifically- bikejoring. Think about it!
1 comment:
Hi Sophie and Dixie!!! Thanks for visiting my site! You pups sure do know what to ask fur. I think I might need to take some lessons from you!
I'm going to add you to my pups pals list! See you soon!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
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