Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Valentine's Message...

Hello dear ones, it is Sir Harles Montague. I have been sitting on this for quite some time, but on this Saint Valentine's Day, I must ask this of dear Clover...

I have much to offer you, sweet Clover! I hope you will allow me to court you, formally of course. I would love to escort you to a fine dinner on this most special of days. I will anxiously await your reply!

Respectfully yours, Harles


Unknown said...

Good luck! Clover is one cute puggy!! happy valentines day from your puggy pals in Texas...

Clover said...

Harles! I hope I am not too late, it is technically after Valentine's day at my house. But of course I will be your Valentine!!
Love Clover xo

Joe Stains said...

She'd be crazy not to say yes! Happy Valentine's Day!!!

The Devil Dog said...

Ohh, she said yes. How sweet. We are so happy for you.


Kelly said...

Harles! How could she possibly resist your offer?! I knew she'd say yes.

Did you already run this by your sissies? I heard something about Sophie having anger issues... we wanna make sure she's ok with it...

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow...Harles, you couldn't have picked a better girl. Clover is one of my bestest friends and I think you guys would make a PAWSEOME couple!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

We hope she said yes! We can't wait to hear!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch