Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Working With The Snuggle Puggle- 6th Day!

Hey pug friends, it's the pug mama. I have a GREAT video of the pugs catching popcorn- this week they were popcorn inspectors! HOWEVER, blogger video apparently hates me! Grr! I noticed some of you guys use youtube, but I don't necessarily want my videos hanging out on the inter-web outside of the blog, ya know? Any suggestions?

Since I don't have a fantastic video for you, I have a few funny Sophie stories. None of which I have photos for but she has been workin' us hard this week! It's more "brushes with death" than stories, really. First, on Sunday, she got in a little chase with Dixie Bugg. Nothing unusual, right? Well she runs under the dining room table full speed- only to be clothes-lined by the strap of Brian's laptop bag, which was hanging off the chair where it was sitting. She went flying like she was on a trapeze, flew onto her back, and then got out of the way just in time to avoid being smushed by the falling chair! Brian said he thought she was going to be dead under there... but she must be like a cat, with nine lives.

Also, Sophie escaped today. Brian came home at lunch to take them out, and closed our driveway gate as usual. However, it is windy, and the gate blew open without him knowing. He got stuck talking to our neighbor (the one with the pit bull that attacked her) and next thing he knows, she is on the OTHER side of the fence in the neighbor's driveway! The neighbor got her and gave her back to Brian. I can only assume she saw her opportunity to finally go give that stupid pit bull a piece of her mind! (Note: nothing against pit bulls! We know like all dogs they can be either sweet and fantastic, or if untrained, unruly and mean. This is one untrained and rude dog!)

Since the snow has melted, it's strange- the pugs have lost interest in the backyard! Sophie refuses to leave the patio, so I put her on the little tiny patio in front of the garage. (we have a patio off our house, then it ends and there is a gravel driveway, and in front of our garage is about a foot of cement sticking out from the garage floor.) She had previously peed and poo'd on the garage cement during the snow, so I thought she might do that. Nope. She acted like she was on a rock in the middle of molten lava. She refused to walk on the icky wet grass or the treacherous gravel stones. What a little priss!


Anonymous said...

i am laughing out loud about the sophie chair story. looking forward to the video whenever it does finally upload.

Rosie said...

I used to be like that too and hate the wet grass but now I have realized how fun it is to get all muddy :) The mommy said maybe her prissiness is a blessing in disguise!

Kelly said...

Sophie, I was totally waiting for you in the car when you tried to come meet me! I am so mad at your stupid neighbor for stopping you! We'll try Happy Hour again soon...

Nibbles Treats said...

Our backyard is soupy from the snow melting and we don't want to go out into it either.

Nice to meet you guys. We sniffed you out and decided to tag you in our post today. Stop by and check it out.

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

Nevis said...

Look at it this way...at least you don't have to clean up muddy paw prints!

The Devil Dog said...

Lucky will not do her business unless dad shovels off some grass for her. It is pretty funny.
Glad she survived the "clothes line".


Murphy Dogg said...

Sophie is quite the adventuress, isn't she? But she's an adventuress that doesn't like to get her paws wet. That could significantly limit her adventuring.
Murphy Dogg

Joe Stains said...

Oh Sophie, be CAREFUL its not safe out there even though it looks really fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh no!! Poor thing!