Saturday, February 28, 2009

I have NEVER laughed this hard...

Oh... my... GOSH. Kelly here. This morning I had a fun girl's day with Laura (Salinger's Mom) and Vikki (the Pug Posse Mom). To digress briefly, we've often discussed how lucky we are that we can get together and wish all of you were closer!!! Anywho, we did some girly shopping and got lunch. When we were in Burlington Coat Factory, there was a tiny little dog section. There were some cute hoodies in the EXACT right colors/sizes! And... they were like SIX BUCKS EACH!!!!! So I got Sophie a velour one in pink that says "Spoiled", Dixie a velour black one with a pink "Rotten" on it, and Harles a sweatshirt-material one in black with grey and red "Punk Barker" on it. They're very Juicy Couture style. So I get home and try them on the pugs...

I started laughing so hard that I fell over and started coughing! See for yourself, captions are above the photos!

Sophie was the first to get "dressed." Spoiled is RIGHT!

Harles loved it so much he had to give me kisses!

Dixie Bugg felt fine to pose for me!

Look at Harles walking the catwalk!

The cutest face ever.... Pink is HER COLOR!


Thug Bugg.

Check out the skull details on Harley's hood.

MAJOR NOSE GUARD!!!! These are such thug poses!

Sophie in a velour pink hoodie = there are no words.

The hoods all have a striped pattern inside them.

Seriously if you ran into her in a dark alley you'd be scared!

Treats, yo!

Yo, give us dah treats, MOM!

Continue cracking up. I know I am! They never even realize they have on clothes, it's a beautiful thing. My little thug pugs!


Salinger The Pug said...

HAAAAAAAAAA! We're laughing too!

It's amazing the crap you can find at Burlington!

Pug Thuggery Rocks!

Enjoy your mixers tonight!

Let's do it again soon!


Archie and Melissa said...

OMD! Laughing so hard over here...tears coming out of eyes!
I love your new thugg pugs and bugg!
how absolutely fun!
m & e

Murphy Dogg said...

I love that Dixie's says "Rotten."
She's my little hardcore bitch!

Murphy Dogg

P.S. um, I'm not so good with the thug-talk, but, um ... peace out to ya mutha??

Kelly said...

I am dying!!!!

Heather and Pumpkin said...

I like Harley's bad boy look!


Rosie said...

HAAAAAAA Pug Gangsta style.

Joe Stains said...

lol PUG LIFE!!

The Devil Dog said...

Those are great photos and great hoodies! Spoiled, too funny!

Roxy & Lucky

LegallyBoston said...

OMG they look adorable!!

Anonymous said...

OMG they are tooo cute!! You are lucky to have such cute pugs that don't hide their heads in shame when their mommy dresses them up *cough Indy cough* lol


Harry Pugalicious said...

BOL!!!! Dixie is looking FIERCE in that first picture! So funny but I hopes Mom doesn't head to our BCF!

Nevis said...

Pug Life, Yo.

Anonymous said...

I got Clem's little checkered coat at Burlington's! I love it and it was super cheap like you said. Fun stuff.