Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sweet Potatoes, and Bugg's Tech Advances


Okay. So I may have mentioned before about Sophie's chewing tendencies. Her paws/legs get itchy and she chews on them, and sometimes they look less than stellar! We decided to try wheat-free since wheat is a common culprit. I also didn't want corn... I'M "allergic" to corn (some corn makes me sick) and so that means it could happen to her too! I loved this food I found at PETCO.

It's "Sweet Potato & Venison Formula" by Natural Balance. We also got the treats. Brian and I are big on sweet potato (and butternut squash a little more now, but I digress...) There was sweet potato and fish as well, but their breath smells kind of fishy every once in a while which is GROSS, and I didn't want to encourage that. The whole limited ingredient idea is great, so I am hoping this helps Sophie. I LOVE what great "carbs" sweet potatoes are, the are quite healthy and packed with good vitamins for them, and they're also pretty easy to digest.

Here's their meal, they get a little more pumpkin to help encourage them to like newer food. It actually kind of smells like sweet potato! They totally want it...

Little beggars!!!

It's chow-down time! Oh, also, I read Nanook & Pooka's blog today, and decided to see if Natural Balance was on the PETA Caring Consumer website. IT IS! That made us feel even better. I guess we will see how it goes!

In other news, Bugg has discovered technology. Looks like she has a phone call?

Whoa! She totally hit ignore on that call! What a phone snob!

Nevermind, she's had a change of heart and is texting them back. I mean, who wouldn't want a text from "dah bugg!?"


Archie and Melissa said...

oh emmitt wants a text msg from the bugg!
Emmitt sayz hiz noomber iz moorfud!

he thinks that means...just squish that sweet potato through the phone.

m & e

Anonymous said...

yes, W&C agree - they would love a Bugg Text.
Sometimes Dixie reminds me so much of Clementine - those two pictures of her on the phone are like they could be long lost sisters.

Harry Pugalicious said...

Momma tried giving me the duck & sweet potato formula. I loved it but it did not love my tummy. So, I'm back to Nutro Ultra.

I wish I had da bugg's digits.. I'd give her a ring ;-)

Joe Stains said...

we looove pumpkin and get it often with our kibble too!

Ruby Bleu said...

I sure hope your diet helps. Oh and anytime da Bugg wants to text me, I'll be all over that!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Puddleglum said...

Oooh! Ooh! Me! I want a text from "Da Bugg!"

Great choice on the food! Dad is trying me out on the Solid Gold "Barking at the Moon" food, which is also at PETCO. I likes it so far-- we'll see, though, because I tire of food easily.

Everyone goes nuts over pumpkin... I need to try this stuff.

Nevis said...

Its funny how doggies can be so picky about food. I fed mine that exact same food and they wouldn't eat it.

Nevis said...

Oh, and I love the shots with Dixie and the phone. She's SO cute!!!

Anonymous said...

I have tried the duck and sweet potato canned and I liked that. I like most food. I eat Evo now but I don't have any allergies or sensitivities. This talk of food is making me hungry! Pumpkin rocks too! XOXO Peanut

CoCo said...

I have been eating Natural Balance's Kibbles since I was off puppy food. I've tried them all. My Mama ususally feeds me the Duck and Potato, Sweet Potato and Fish, as well as the Original formula. The one with the Fish makes me have stinky breath too, but it is suppose to help me have a smoother and prettier coat. I especially like all the sausage they make...its my favorite!


Jen and Suki said...

I would totally text with dah bugg!

Clover said...

Hi girls! Hope you like your new food and it makes you less itchy. We are working on that for me now, too. And guess what - both me and my mom can't eat corn too!
Love Clover xo