Well, Sophie here with great news!!! Dixie was propositioned by SEVEN eligible bachelors! There are six pugs and one boston... it will be interesting to see who Dixie will choose! Here they are (in alphabetical order)...
Coco, Bachelor Number One
Look at that cape, that tail! Coco can't run in circles and is not cross-eyed, but promises poop diners, poop breakfasts and poop lunchs for the rest of our lives together.
Emmitt, Bachelor Number Two

A tongue to be rivaled! Emmitt says that he loves to spin in circles, enjoys licking his nose with joy obsessively, has sight in only one eye, and still has a few of his teeth left with attractive gaps in the front.
Gus, Bachelor Number Three

Sultry pose! While not cross eyed, Gus offers continuous eye goop, stinky farts and the habit to leap on everybody and hump them when they say no. He can devour your toy bone before you remember where you left it. Major plus: he loves to leave presents in the middle of the living room for mom!!
Herbie, Bachelor Number Four
Herbie looks like he's got a lot of fun stuff! His nickname is the love pug. He claims to be very sweet and gentle, and to LOVE running in circles. He also LOVES eating all kinds of poops!
Murphy Dogg, Bachelor Number Five

Look at how rough-and-tough he is! The only BT in this competition, Murphy says he thinks Dixie needs a Boston Terrier dude. Murphy is a self-described bad boys with great buns. Wowza!
Napoleon, Bachelor Number Six

Those eyes have stolen many a heart! Napoleon says he will eye Bugg with a dangerous glint in his eyes, waggle his jowls at her, fart and ask if she would like to play tug of war with his heart.
Ricky, Bachelor Number Seven
So pensive! Ricky likes to lick everybody and every thing. He walks in circles before pooping and loves eating cat poops too. He has two big buggy eyes and sometimes it looks like one goes one way and the other another. Awfully cute!
It's going to be a tough choice! Bachelors, we ask you... where would you take the Bugg on your first date? And what would you bring her as a gift?
Oh you lucky girl! You should pick Gus!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Herbie would take you to a dog park so you can run and play. He'd bring you a toy, but he may want it back.
Ricky would invite you to his place. He's a cozy kind of guy. He'd of course show you to the litter box where there would be lots of yummy chocolates.
Dear Sophie,
I am looking forward for my first date with Dixie but my mom had a car crash today - no car for at least 2 weeks...
It will be nice if I we go shopping to South Beach. I estimate that it will take us approximately 5 hours if we go walking... wait, if I pick her up then it will be like 500 hours walking... There are very nice stores where Dixie can choose the perfect gift! (maybe jewerly?)
Oh emmitt is so nervous!
he loves dixie and hope to wooooo her.
emmitt says he would take her to a garbage dump where they could snuffle through mountains of wonderful possiblities to find food and lots of yummy morsels to share.
his first gift would be his new favorite thing... they are called windees. windees are kind of like bully sticks but are not pee-pees (melissa speaking - ewww). they are windpipes...(melissa speaking again - double ewwwww).
emmitt hopes the bugg is as happy and excited as him to meet!
Hey Dixie Girl,
I'd take you for a long ride on my Dad's motorcycle, so you can feel the wind in your fur and snuggle close behind me.
Then we'd stop at this lake where I like to hang out. We can romp on the beach, have some snacks and watch the sun set on the water.
And that's where you'd get your gift ... I'd woof you "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" by the Ramones and give you a big slobbery kiss!
Murphy Dogg
Those are really tough choices, Sophie! Definitely sleep on it a couple of nights before you make your decision!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh this is so fun! I am nervous for you, Dixie!! You have so many good choices - all those bachelors seem really pawesome!
Love Clover xo
p.s. Sophie please tell your mom that I received the charm last week. It is beautiful, thank you so much!
Sandra & Coco
Dear Dixie;
For our first date, I'd like to take you to dinner at a local BBQ restaurant where we can gnaw on ribs and then lick the BBQ sauce off each others muzzles. Then we can go to the movies (have you ever seen what the humans leave on the floor? It's all up for grabs!). Afterwards, I'll I'll walk you to your door and I won't even try to get fresh with you. Promise. *wink*
^Above post by Napoleon...
Shhh...uz gonna ruin the allusion, Mommy. (said by Napoleon)
Of course, we are going for Murphey, but that is just because he is a BT.
PEE s. we finally awarded sophie with her stain award. talk about slow around here..
Hi dixie and sophie!
emmitt wrote, performed and directed a new love song for miss dixie today...
m & e
Of course, if it were up to Stella, she would choose the Boston Terrier badass with the bike. Be a little reckless, why not?...then again, garbage dumps and wind pipes are pretty awesome too...
Wow, tough choices Dixie!
Hi Sophie! Sorry we are late.
Gus is very excited to be considered an eligible bachelor and you would like a nice quiet evening at our place hanging out.
He plans on running around in the backyard, barking at the neighbors great dane, Puppy, and eating apple treaties. Later on you could snuggle on the couch while barking at the dog whisperer and eating the popcorn I drop on the floor!
Then he would walk you home. :)
pitty I'm married ..........
Lovely bachelors, but I love Emmitt the best! (although they are all cute)
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