Thursday, September 25, 2008


My mom had a Pampered Chef Pawty on Wednesday night. Dixie and I are still recovering. We did lots of plate licking and selling of products. Oh and Mommy's friend brought her handsome male dog, Llama.

Llama came wearing his diaper and purple bow tie... mrrrow, SEXAY!! S-Dog, if I wasn't dating you, you'd have competition!!! Dixie tried on the bow, she looked like a sad, stupid present.

We just ran and ran and ran while everyhuman cooked and cooked and cooked.

After, we got to lick the plates. Mom had a lot of this stuff called "whine" and was like, "SURE! The girls can lick the plates!" We LOVE the whine stuff it makes mom lots nicer.

That's it! We promise more writing soon. Mom got a haircut so she'll probably want to post... BORRRR-ING!


Sandra y Coco Pug said...

Noooo, don't be a bad sister Sophie... Dixie looks cute with de bow!
I also know about the whine. mom had a party with her coworkers and they were like: "look, he can't see but he still can catch the chip!" And they kept throwing me chips ALL NIGHT LONG. silly humans hehe

Anonymous said...

hahaha - the puggies like me a lot better after a few glasses of "whine" also. Glad you ladies had a good time. If I sold Pampered Chef or knew someone who did - I would be broke as a joke....

Nevis said...

Noo...! Dixie looked super CUTE with the bow...don't be mean to your sister, Sophie. Or your Mom will be likely to post incriminating photos of you loving your sister.

Anonymous said...

Omg Sophie that is so mean and so funny! Dixie looks cute in her bow! lol

Yes Gus and Indy know all about wine, just be lucky your mom didn't have any stickers with her!
I like pampered chef, they have some wonderful stuff!