Saturday, September 20, 2008

Paws in the Park!

Wow, so lots of excitement with me finding Dixie a boyfriend lately! Mommy distracted us from the search by making us WORK. We went to Paws in the Park, which was in a park right near our house.

We get tired kinda easy but were working hard, getting donations for KPR!!!! We also had some co-workers!

These guys were great! They are Ruby (black pug), Emma (fawn pug), and Louie (bigger, yawning, pug-boxer mix). They were so so so much fun to hang out with! We also met lots of other doggers.

These BT girls were a mother and two daughters. They were so petite and tiny, not at all like Stavery!!!!

We wasted no time getting to know each other!

We also met a fun Aire-boy, Willy!

He was extremely photogenic!!! We were too tired to pose with him though, but he reminded us of all our Aire-friends.

Unfortunately we had to close shop early since a huge rain storm came thundering in. Duh, we hate getting wet! But in place of more Paws in the Park photos, we have a fun video from this morning for you. It is of Bugg's "sniffers," as Mommy calls them.

We're not sure why or how she does it! Do any of you guys use your sniffers like the Bugg does?


Archie and Melissa said...

emmitt says he just loves dixie's smile! he watched her sniffers video 100x and no kidding - little cartoon hearts were in his puggy eyes.
m & e

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Dixie,
Those sniffers are wild. I think you must be some advanced version of Pug/BT or have smelling superpowers! Are you a secret member of the X Men? An X Bugg?? Dude, it would be awesome to have a superhero girlfriend!! Just another reason for me to fall in love...
Murphy Dogg

Clover said...

Hi girls!! Funny sniffers video. I am glad you had fun at Paws in the Park! I bet you were good helpers.
Love Clover xo

Ruby Bleu said...

OMD those sniffers are WILD!!! I am so jellyfish of your super-sniffer power Dix!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jen and Suki said...

Holy sniffers! That was a fun video- I think Mojo is in loooove! He feels akin to Dixie because of his underbite!

Joe Stains said...

You met some totally cool BTs!!

Duke said...

Your toofies are so adorable, Dixie!
Hiya, Willy!!! *waving our paws furiously*

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Nevis said...

Omg, that was funny...! And Dixie is just adorable. I love her smile. Something about her is just totally endearing.

Salinger The Pug said...

OHHHHH I get Sniffers too! I get them RIGHT before I bark or do "speak" for Mommy! She thinks they're funny too.