Hi it's Sophie. I found a way to solve this whole Mommy spoiling Dixie and ignoring me problem.
It's time to find the Bugg a boyfriend.
That's why I will be hosting the first (and hopefully only) season of...

It will be perfect! You single doggies can woo her and she can choose (with my guidance, naturally) who to be with!
Who wouldn't want to be with this fine piece of bugg?
Of course you probably want to know more about her. This would be her ad in the personals:
SBF (single brindled female) seeks single male for lifelong relationship. All breeds welcome. Must love running in circles. Cross-eye a plus. Enjoys fine poop dinners, pumpkin, and smelly shoes. Halitosis is being treated, minimal shedding.
Any takers?? Woo away! Maybe you can get a treat and be one step closer to being the Bugg's boyfriend! And then... the humans will be mine!!!!!!
emmitt throws his poop in the ring! he want to be dixie's one and only. Emmitt says he loves to spin in circles, lick is nose with joy (obsessively), has sight in only one eyes and still has a few of his teeth left with attractive gaps in the front.
Winston wants Dixie to know that while he finds her very becoming, his marriage to Clementine overwhelms him in the poop-eating, stinky fart, halitosis department. He's not sure he can handle two women of such class.
Herbie and Ricky are both one pug-woman kind of pug-mans. Both of them would like the chance to woo, although together they make the perfect pug.
Ricky: I's like to lick every budy and every thing. I's walk in circles before I poop and love eating cat poops! I've got to big buggy eyes and sometimes it looks like one goes one way and the other another. But I'm awfully cute.
Herbie: They don't call me the love pug for nothing. I'm very sweet and gentle. I LOVE running in circles! I LOVE eating all kinds of poops! I might just LOVE you.
We vote Emmitt! He is so handsome and gentlemanly. We are sure he would be wonderful for her.
haha...I love this Post! so funny!
Thanks for the chuckle!
Hubba hubba! I think I might have to erase my web history after visiting your site, Dixie!
Napoleon tosses his rapscallian-esque hat into the ring. He eyes Bugg with a dangerous glint in his eyes, waggles his jowels at her, farts and asks if she would like to play tug of war with his heart.
May the best Puggy win...Dixie you have your work cut out for you. But Sophie, don't go getting too excitered, she's not moving away you know!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Haha Sophie!
Gus thinks he could be the pug for Dixie... while not cross eyed, he does have continous eye goop, stinky farts and the habit to leap on everybody and hump them when they say no!
He wants whatever toys you have and can devour your bone before you remember where you left it. Plus he loves to leave presents in the middle of the living room for your mom!! lol
May the best farter win!!
Woof, Pug and Bugg
Thanks for Toby's birthday wish. Good luck finding finding mr. doggie right, we're sure you're gonna have a lot of suiters.
Desert Pups
Hey Sophie and Dixie!
We are in Bloomington, so not too far from Indy. My dad worked in Indy last year. What's going on on the 20th??
Your friend, Lenny
My dear Bugglorette,
I would be more than honored to be your lifelong companion. I can't run in circles and I am not cross-eyed, but I can promise you not only poop diners, but also poop breakfasts and lunchs for the rest of our lives together.
(Blog comming soon, now under construction)
Hey Sophie,
I think Dixie needs a Boston Terrier dude like me. That is, if she likes bad boys with great buns ...
Murphy Dogg
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