Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pal Dog & Bugg Waxing

I have to do a product plug!!! Annie at 4weebeasties has once again hooked us up! The first shipment she sent us had two great Pal Dog products, the Soothing Balm and Shampoo & Massage Bath. Then she sent us two great OTHER products, Freshen Up Sprays! There is a regular one, "Daily Formula," and a bug-protection one, "Outdoor Formula."

The Soothing Balm was great when Sophie got a little too rough and and gave Dixie a tiny rough scratch, like rug burn. It soothed the redness and smelled great, and definitely moisturized her skin. I may or may not have tried tried a little on my elbows!!! Plus it's safe if licked which is great.

The Shampoo & Massage Bath was WAY better than our old Wal*Mart shampoo for them. It lathered much more, and smelled amazing. It also seemed to be less of a drag for them, since I bet it made their skin less irritated due to the natural ingredients. Two thumbs up!

The Freshen Up Sprays are my new OBSESSION!!! The girls get a little stinky, so this is definitely helping between showers. I think the best part is that the bug protection in the "Outdoor Formula," but that it still has natural ingredients, like Aloe Vera and essential oils. And I wish we had smell-o-vision so you could see for yourself how GREAT these sprays smell!

Don't worry, I'm not really spraying them in these pics! I posed them like I was going to spray them, and these two photos came out with those HILARIOUS looks, as if I was spraying them in the eyes! My girls never cease to crack me up with their photography skills! Please check out the Pal Dog products here on the 4weebeasties website!

Oh, and a small PS- check out Winston & Clemmie's Project Dogway results from this week here. If you click the link to the flickr album, you can see Sophie and Dixie's entries!!! We put a Band-aid on Dixie as if Sophie was "fixing her boo-boo" as a project. When we went to take it off...

We are going to have to go to confession because we accidentally gave Bugg a bikini wax! Good thing she is so forgiving... plus we have our Pal Dog Soothing Balm to keep her happy!


Joe Stains said...

How is that cream on elbows?? I have terribly dry elbows and Mom always thinks they look so uncomfortable??

Anonymous said...

sure sure - you got the soothing balm because *Sophie* is too rough. Uh has nothing to do with you giving your dog bikini waxes....oh no, of course not....

Anonymous said...

yes! Definitely submit one for each.

Nanette said...

Those products look great, good thing you have them to help soothe the accidental bikini waxing!

Anonymous said...

Oooh sounds great!
We have to use a medicated shampoo on Gus right but I am always in for trying new fun stuff!

Nevis said...

Love the idea of a "freshing" spray!!! Sometimes they do get a little ripe...especially if Ruki was farting!

And (LMAO) regarding the accidental bikini waxing!

Unknown said...

The following is a note for Bugg and Pug from Howard Pee Pugpants:
RUN!! your mom is gettin a dremmel!!! run fur your lives!!!

The Devil Dog said...

I bet she wasn't happy when you pulled the band aid off, and all the hair that came with it. I hurt just thinking about it.


Anonymous said...

oh yes - I should have mentioned that the hair ball was entirely fawn colored - it is definitely due to her licking Winston and also licking the floor, which is covered in a thin layer of Winston hair as well.
Glad that someone else has seen this, though. I know....

Clover said...

Nice! Those products sound good - I have old yucky wal-mart shampoo too. Maybe I will send mom to that website!
Love Clover xo
P.S. I am so glad that the Bugg is cancer free!!