Hi its Sophie and Dixie! We just won this week's "Project Dogway" competition at Winston and Clemmie's blog, Ladypug Mugs!!! We had to create an LOL for a really cool image, provided by Emmitt. This is what we wrote:

I tried to get Dixie to come up with a caption but all she kept saying was "nom nom nom" and then would LOL and snort for like an hour. UGH. So I came up with this gem. Well, Mommy helped a little, because she explained lobsters to us. These doggies are dressed as lobsters. And when lobsters go into a tub of hot water, it is not for relaxation. They get EATEN. So I figured if Dixie and I were lobsters and I wanted to trick her I could tell her it was a hot tub... and then from that, I came up with the LOL caption!
What would Mommy do without me?! She wouldn't win Project Dogway that is fur sure!
congratulations sophie and dixie!
we were lolling over here!
oh and thank you for sharing your genius process sophie, you are so funny!
m & e
Way to go!! You are both hilarious. I laughed very hard at your LOLZ.
Congrats SOphie & Dixie! Your caption was very funny. But I was robbed!!! What's funnier than "landcrabs"?! :P Just kidding.
Yay!! Congrats!!! :)
Great job, guys! Very good process, Sophie. Keep your eyes open for next week's challenge!
Congrats! Thats so funny! BOL!!!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
omdog that is HILARIOUS!!!!!!
muahahahahaha...that is so funny. Congratulations you so deserve it - w00t!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Congrats on your win. That was certainly a hard one. Mom just came up empty. You two rock!
Roxy & Lucky
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