Sunday, August 10, 2008

NO prizes for pugs.

Mommy and Daddy did not win us ANY prizes at the Indiana State Fair. We are extremely mad. Look at what they COULD have won...

YES, that is a pile of pugs!!! Two of the three types are RATHER inaccurately colored (there are no DARK BROWN or BLUE pugs, peoples) but still, we would have accepted any of the three as a prize for staying home for five hours or so. They said they tried to win but it got too expensive. Mommy was really crappy with the camera and didn't take a lot of pictures, but she showed us the few she took. They included some livestock!

This is Harley, the "WORLD'S Largest Bore." I think it's pretty bore-ing too. I'm not sure how they weigh a bore, but I think a huge 1,121 pound pig that just lays around is a large bore. World's largest, I'm not sure, have you ever spent a day with Dixie? That might be the WORLD'S largest bore.

Here is a sheep in The Artist Formerly Known As Prince's clothing. WTF is up with the purple outfit!?!!? A bunch of other ones were dressed up like in sheets! Sheep in sheets!? (You can kind of see some behind these two.) I really don't get this State Fair business.

Well, that's not 100% true. I do get going to the fair for the FOOD!!! Look at these offerings!!! Deep fried cookie dough, Snickers, Reeses... Mom and Dad said they also had deep fried Pepsi, brownies, Twinkies... the works. The humans did not have any which is crap. They ate some roasted corn on the cob though, which is acceptable. I would have appreciated some PICTURES, MOM!!!! Thanks a bunch for a whole lotta nuthin'!


Nevis said...


Anonymous said...

Oh wow.. at our fairs we have deep fried dough (we call it it beaver tails and they cover it in choclate or cinnaman) and mini donuts.. mmm mini donuts..

I must go to an american fair.. deep fried everything.. mmmm... :D

It looks like you guys had lots of fun!! Sophie: Sorry your mom didn't win you a giant pug to play with! Maybe next time

Anonymous said...

I'm with Nevis: Deep fried pepsi??? how is this physically possible?? I really needed pictures of that.

And yes - we may in fact have been separated at birth - we should send in little mouth swabs of DNA or something....ew. ok.

hahah, but I totally know what you're saying. On my myspace page under "heroes" I have drew and natalie listed. hehehe...

Nanette said...

Okay, the picture is in front of me but I still think this is completely made up.

Of course I honest to Dog thought that sweet potatoes casserole topped with marshmallows and deep fried whole turkeys were fiction too, then I lived in the US for five years and nope... so I had to try the casserole of course.

Harry Pugalicious said...

why, why, why is the goat purple??? your people should have done some ivestigating.

Puddleglum said...

I want a blue pug.

That is all.