Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Stain for Joe Stains

Joseph Stains: I, Sophie T. Pug, respectfully would like to submit this stain for review.

It is impressive, yes, but not what you think. But you never really specified what type of stains you applaud...

It's just that... I have a licking problem. I like to lick... a lot. Sometimes I go a little overboard. We're considering rehab.


Eduardo said...

Oh Joe will like that!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Liss said...

That's a really bad stain, impressed.

Myeo said...

You mean that is stain from licking?


boy n Baby

Anonymous said...

That is a pretty impressive licking stain. Clementine has done some licking damage, but I think that trumps any of her attempts....

Puddleglum said...

Big Brother does that, too! Of course, it's usually because he has some tiny burr prickle stuck in his paw from the loverly Colorado flora.

And Suki, I love to lick the humans' legs when they get out of the shower!

Nevis said...

:) You're such a cutie patootie, Sophie! But I love your sister, Dixie, too!

Anonymous said...

Gus and Indy do that all the time!! And then sometimes they will just lick the couch! Yuck!

Joe Stains said...

hey guys, sorry I am just now getting around to your submission, Mom is doing that WORK crap and ignoring blog reading. I must say this is a fine piece of work, and I do not isolate stains to simply pee and poo. Consider yourself in the running for a Stain Award!

Bobo the Boston Terrier said...

Hi pals! Thanks for reading my blog.

Mom added you to our list of BT blogs we read together.

Ruby Bleu said...

That qualifies in my book...a stain is a stain is a stain. unless you are Joe Stains and there is only one of them!

Good Luck in your petition!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

The Devil Dog said...

Ha ha ha ha

That is really funny. Lucky licked mom's pants leg one day. It wasn't until mom got up that she notice how big the spot was. She changed her pants before leaving the house.


Unknown said...

I love your blog! I am also a fellow four-legged friend lover and have two kitties of my own, Mocha and Furball. As I was browsing through the Internet and reading through a bunch of pet blogs, I stumbled upon yours. After going through a lot of entries on your site, I can sense a mutual genuine adoration we have for our animals.

I am a huge enthusiast of making sure our pets receive the care they need and deserve. I am lucky enough to be working with LocalVets.com because it has allowed me to pursue this very passion.
Our core value is to connect pets in need with veterinarians who care. We currently work with over 2,000 vets across the country from large organizations like Banfield to one doctor locations. We even work with professional veterinary associations such as VHMA, http://www.vhma.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=266.

I have found LocalVets.com to be a great resource for pet owners like us to use when seeking the closest and most suitable veterinarian in their neighborhood. As you have experience with vet visits, you know first hand how dreadful it can be for your pet and even you. Yet, it is inevitable in order to keep our pet healthy and more importantly, when an emergency arises.

There are not enough pet owners who provide their pets with the recommended veterinary visits of twice a year, especially for cats with an average of less than one visit a year. LocalVets.com can provide a directory that will be extremely helpful and effective for the pet owner in locating a veterinarian in their vicinity who can help them with their pet’s necessary treatment.

Let me know if you have a few minutes to discuss an opportunity to include a link in your blog.


Yours Truly,


Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

I make lick stains like that too. Ian says my licking is a "problem."

Preppy Pugs said...

The licking thing must be a Pug thing... mine do it to. Although, not that much to leave a huge wet spot. LOL

Anonymous said...

I like to lick too!! I especially like to lick my Dad's pillow case in the morning after he's been sleeping on it. XOXO Peanut