Monday, July 14, 2008


Hey everyone! Here it is... the Sophie's Next Pug Model Finale!!!

I, Sophie the fierce, challenged our four finalists to create an ad for their absolute favorite product. I told them it could be ANYTHING! So here, in alphabetical order, are the four finalists' entries.


So here's the deal, we absolutely positively couldn't pick a winner! So, we are enlisting you dogs... to the right you will see a POLL!!! Please vote and we will tally the votes on Thursday night (voting ends Thursday at 10 pm Eastern Time) and make the winner announcement Friday morning! Although it will be obvious by votes! Enlist your friends, we know we will! You are all winners to me and Dixie, we just had SO much fun with you all! Check out the final four photos at flickr too, by the way! You can see them bigger there.


Ruby Bleu said...

OK, I know I'm a finalist, but your boy Salinger has my vote - BOL!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jen and Suki said...

I think they're all so GREAT! Good luck to all of the finalists and your dogs are all winners to meeee!

Duke said...

No wonder you couldn't choose just one! They're all winners!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Salinger The Pug said...

Thank you Kelly! (wink wink!)

Oh man...there's no way to choose!

All I know is that Mom is driving to Pet Supplies Plus toute de suite to buy me some of that YOGHUND stuff! She had to google it to see what it was and now we're all excited!

Love and kisses,

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those pictures are all really GREAT! I would have a hard time deciding which one I like best! On another note, thank you for visiting my blog! I am sure you guys will love your Buddy Belts just as much as I love mine :) XOXO Peanut

Clover said...

Those are all super funny! This is going to be a tight race - no wonder you couldn't choose!
Love Clover xo

Archie and Melissa said...

Ooooo! The competition is fierce!
Emmitt is very excited and says he thinks he ate a few butterflies because they a flittering in his tummy!
All of the the submissions are wonderful!
m & e

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

This is so exciting! The competition is fierce! We have really enjoyed this competition!
Ozzie & Rocky

Emily and Ike said...

That is just so hard!

Unknown said...

Howard Pee Pugpants is having a turble time tryin to decide which doggy to vote for. He suggested that all of the entrants mail him food to help him decide. He prefers large jars of peanut butter and crunchy cookies. His address is:
Howie's House
Tree in Front Yard
signed, his secreetary

The Devil Dog said...

That is a great contest. What truly creative ads. No wonder you hard a hard time picking a winner. So did we!

Roxy & Lucky

Lisa M Griffin said...

Emmitt! Emmitt! Emmitt!
I know it can't be easy to pick a winner, but that little guy has my vote. =)

Too Cute Pugs said...

Oh, wow! Those are all soooo good. What fun!

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Asta said...

This is such a gweat contest..It's weally hawd to decide..all the pictoowes awe fantastic..but I'm voting fow Ruby, cause she is my co-giwlfwiend fow Stanley's heawt
smoochie kisses