Thursday, July 31, 2008

Final Bugg Butt Bump Update (HOPEFULLY!)

I just talked to the people over at the Vet's Office and Dixie did great! She is out of surgery and good to go. Of course I have to wait until 5 to pick her up (when I get off work) but I am happy knowing she is okay!!!! I shall celebrate with a favorite Dixie photo.

Thanks for all the well-wishes, everyone!!!!


Eduardo said...

Yeah! Can't wait till five for the update! It's good she did well at the vet's!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
p.s. love the pic!

Jemima Jones Beck said...

Aww! Who's got a squishy little face and a bumpless butt?
Jemima Jones Beck

Duke said...

You need all the rest you can get, Dixie! We can't wait till you go home and tell Sophie how your day went!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Brutus and Miley said...

So glad to hear this! We won't be at the Fesitval this weekend :( I had a trip planned ...... Have a great time, so glad she is out of surgery and doing great!

Nevis said...

Awesome news! And check out my won something!

Jen and Suki said...

Dixie girl, you're so beautiful! Pugariffic!

Harry Pugalicious said...

Glad that you're home, Dixie! I hope your test results come back OK. We'll be thinking about you.

Snorst & Kisses,

Harry P.