Friday, July 11, 2008

TGIF and Stupid Videos

Hey there, it's Mommy... Sophie wrote the cutest post with a video of her attached but blogger would not upload the video even though we've been trying for the past three hours! Therefore I'm sharing this super cute photo-

It's been "THAT" sort of week and I'm super tired, as are the pugs! Hopefully we'll have super-fun adventures this weekend to blog about!

Also, we purchased the Buddy Belt harnesses today online at 4weebeasties!!! When I measured them... size SIX! It goes from 1-9. I thought they'd be a 4 or 5... poor pugs, their body image must be hurting right now. Can't wait to get the package and see how they look/fit!


Clover said...

Hope you all have a nice restful weekend! :) Hope the buddy belts fit perfectly too - tell the girls not to worry about their body image - they are both beautiful!
Love Clover xo

Archie and Melissa said...

I am so excited to see the girls in their buddy belts. what a great find!
have a wonderful weekend.
:) m & e

Salinger The Pug said...

Nice pedicure mom!

Hiiiiiii Sophie! Kiss kiss!

Dixie-Bugg (gooroo) you still look smurt to me even without your glasses!

Now wait...are you guys BOXER puppies? LOL!!!!!!

Have a great and restful weekend! Mommy, daddy and Holden are going to the WEINER dog races at Hoosier Park tomorrow night! (Mom can't stop giggling when she says "Weiner races"...she's silly!)

Love and kisses,


Anonymous said...

Oh I so know how it goes!

Size 6 is a perfect marilyn puggy monroe size! :)

Duke said...

We can wait to see your new harnesses!
Mom uses YouTube to upload videos. It's never failed her yet!
Have a great weekend!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch