Mommy here- it seems to me that I have a few questions even the Bugg Gooroo can't answer... although she is working on all of your questions, and loving it (it keeps her busier than running in circles does) so keep 'em coming!
#1- I am severely wanting a new look for poor Pug & Bugg's blog. Dixie has offered to design it, but then I would be afraid we'd revert from this nice, simple blogger template to something sent via smoke signals. I think all I really truly need is a change in font, some colors... but that header! I needddddddd a new header. I crave a new header. I might need to do a puggie photoshoot or something that doesn't involve our harshly-pattered plaid couch that appears oh at least once a week in photos. (I promise our next one will be more neutral!) Maybe the girls in their raincoats? I don't know. I found a few websites that will do it, but I think I would need a little hand-holding in the installation department, as far as making all the changes. I taught myself HTML in 9th grade, but yet I am stumped when it comes to changing a header. Darn you, Blogger. If there are any creative souls out there willing to work with me, let me know! Since websites charge for customs, I am sure we could work something out! And it would be more than a kiss from Dixie.
#2- Another thing I must have. Gosh, I'm getting needy. It's just these Buddy Belts are the cutest harnesses and totally perfect for Sophie. She gets a little "chub rub" on her neck from the harnesses we've tried, just because she 1. has sensitive skin and 2. is a little petite. Dixie is fine with hers but mostly because of her hearty BT skin and shape. These harnesses look like little bras or eyeglasses to me, the dogs step in, and it doesn't bother their neck (which is what happens to Sophie!) If you need to grab them by the collar quickly (like when Sophie got attacked) you can do that in the Buddy Belt without stressing and possibly hurting their neck- it's especially good for any dog with a collapsed trachea. Here are two pictures from their website so you can see what they look like...

They're made in Ontario... I know some of my friendly northern blogging neighbors must have at least HEARD of them! However, there are two downsides...
They are not available in ANY stores in Indiana, and they are quite expensive. (About $30-$90 dollars, depending on size... aka from Yorkie to Boxer sized... Pugs are somewhere in the middle.) I feel like if I'm spending that much on a harness, I might as well try it on my dog first. What do you guys think? Has anyone seen or tried them?
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and insights on my questions... and look out for Dixie's thoughts and insights on YOUR questions later!
I didn't have that specific name brand of a harness for Indy but she had one very the same. Made out of thaty nylon-y stuff that most collars and leashes are made of. It worked well, but because of her frame, it would slide down on one side. She outgrew it and now unfortunately is in between sizes so I can't buy her a harness at all. The medium is way too big and the small is just that too tight.
My suggestion would be is a online store with a great return/exchange policy. Good luck!
Try the harnesses from Puppia. Go to and type in puppia. Brutus wears the xl size as he is a big boy. They are not that expensive, comfortable and wash up great.
On his blog there is a picture of Brutus with his red harness on (I have a black and navy one) I accidentally was signed in on the wrong account.
Hi there. Are you using one of Blogspots templates? Mom just picked one of the templates then fiddled around with colors until she came up with something she liked. Is that what you are planning on doing? or something more complicated.
Hi Sophie & Dixie's mommy,
I live in Ontario, and we have seen the buddy belts here - they are $70-80 for the pug sizes.
I haven't gotten to try one out. I LOVE puppia harnesses - I wear a size medium. I know they are from the states, and they are sold in a lot of smaller pet stores, as well as on a lot of online stores. I would recommend Puppia for sure.
Love Clover xo
P.S. Good luck with the blog changes - my mom really wants to change mine too, just need to find some time!
I once saw a shih-poo, snoodle-doo-poo whateverthehellpoo mix on the beach who had on a buddy harness and it looked really great. the woman who owned the mutant dog said she had a whole bunch of them in all difference colors and metallics and blah blah (you can see where this is going) - anyways, the dog looked really comfy in it. But I would still look for an online shop with a good return policy, just in case it doesn't work out. Especially since they do cost so much.
Try petland pet stores, there is 2 in Indiana.. Merriville and Terre Haute
That is where i bought Indy's 'bra' harness. :) I hope it's close by for you to check out.
We have a Buddy Belt for Giggs and we LOVE it! The lady who designed them has a pug and a dachshund, so they were specifically designed with pugs in mind. The only downside is that they can come off over the dog's head (like a t-shirt would)if not on tight enough. So if your dog is applying 'the brakes' and you pull, they could get out. Giggs' was around $60 and he's either a size 5 or 6. I'm getting one for Mea when she's bigger.
If you're sure you want one, let me know and maybe we can arrange to get one down to you.
Buddy Belts are the best harnesses ever. We got ours at They have the best price on Buddy Belts. Although $60-70 for the Pug sizes, they were worth it. My Pugs are on their second one...they last forever (2 years) but we wanted a new color. We use the old ones for the dog park.
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