Now, I already posted earlier about our weekend, and the pugs will be posting later. I had to interject about something on my mind lately- Jon & Kate + 8! I have so many thoughts about that crazy show. Many of which revolve around Kate's "reverse mullet."
So I think, Sophie has had a few litters, is spoiled and materialistic, and kind of a b!tch...

How does it look on her?
That is very funny, even if mom doesn't know who Jon & Kate are.
OMD...reverse mullet!!! Mommy doesn't watch that show, but she thinks Kate looks like a female dog with that hair!
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
Sophie is much more sane than that crazy woman!
omdog LOL this is GREAT
Yep. Mmmhmm.
Hahaha love the hair!
It was a sad episode though. :(
OMD! My Mama and Aunt Sarah are obsessed with that show! Jon & Kate live around here and Aunt Sarah works at the hospital where Kate used to work. And yeah, they think her hair is stupid too.
Murphy Dogg
This is my first visit to your blog. That hair style looks better on you somehow. Mom tried to watch that show a few times but those screaming babies made me and Banjo howl.
Wags & wiggles,
Watch Table for 12 - it is a much better show. Though I am a little biased they are my cousins!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
We bet you could make lots of money as Kate's double!
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
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