Hi everyone! Kelly here! I've been insanely busy with my job the past few days, trying to make extra money! We know that's no excuse for our lack of posts though (or at least that's what the pugs tell me) so I apologize for our lack of comments on all of your blogs.
I have a funny story to tell you all though that will hopefully make up for it. The other morning I was eating breakfast before work, and the pugs were hangin' out. Harley went into our room and I heard some noises. I called him and he ran out, looking guilty. I let him be and a few minutes later- same thing! And it sounded like something fell. Harley runs out looking extremely guilty so I decide to investigate. What do I find?
A piece of ceiling fan on the floor. And this on the ceiling. That's right... one of the BLADES came off! And by came off, I mean the metal broke. I have ZERO idea how that can happen. Then... I look to Harles. Was this his doing? Jedi Pug Mind Tricks?

I think we have a Harles Vader on our hands. Check him out with his Treatsaber!
Wow Harles! That's a mighty cool trick. Maybe you can teach me sometime.
whoa. That or he has learned to levitate. I'm pretty sure Clementine has figured out how to do this, maybe she taught him via their Jedi mind communication techniques?
HAHAHA that picture of Harles is killing me! Has miss Clover seen that?!
BOL! That is one neat trick Harles! Definitely never heard of a pug doing THAT before! haha
Hugs and Licks, Bruschi
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Love the photoshop and the treat-sabor!!!!
Boy howdy!
Do they make that in an action figure???
woah dude, dog telekinesis? You MUST teach me how to do that!
OMD Harles...you're already for Star Wars day...just like me - W00t!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
p.s. we have an award for DA BUGG at our blog!!
Oh my, you had best be careful now. Having a Harles Vader around could be very dangerous.
Your dogs are so cute! Love the vader picture!
Harles must be just beginning his process of learning the ways of the canine Jedi. Because a seasoned mind-trick pro (like myself) would not waste time breaking ceiling fans. No sir, I go straight for the paw movement and "you will give me a piece of that chicken" thing with Mama.
Therefore, there is still time to keep him from turning to the dark side of the force. Remind him that there are much better snack foods on the good side.
Murphy Dogg
aka: Murdo Ticon (my Star Wars name)
We love your alter ego Harles. Please use that treat saber to send us a pile of yummy bones.
Love Ruby & Penny
Harles! You are so cute as Harles Vader. Nice work on getting that fan blade down. Maybe you can teach the rest of us how to do cool stuff like that to stump OUR parents!
Love Clover xo
What a cutie... er, I mean, how scary!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Oh my goodness..I'm glad no one was under it when it happened. We had an incident here a few weeks ago. We were all in the dining room and we heard a huge sound of glass breaking. A light fixture had fallen out of the ceiling in the hallway. Thank goodness no one was in that hallway at the time.
Thank you for the sweet comments about Holly. I sure miss that sweet little girl. I was so used to making sure she was okay that now I am always thinking of her with everything I do during the day.
what's everyone getting for mom on mother's day?
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