Monday, December 8, 2008

Sophie- Therapy Pug?

This entry is about Sophie Sophie's day in the sun!

Yesterday, I was volunteering for KPR at PETCO and brought Sophie. Both other pugs had gone solo, so it was her turn. I was worried she'd be too clingy or whiny, but she did great!

I had to miss a lunch with Brian and our fantastic aunt Pam (remember her?) so they stopped by PETCO to say hi! It was right about time for me to pack up, so they invited me to go with them to visit Brian's grandma in her nursing home. I was worried about leaving Sophie in the car, but it turns out, they allow dogs in there. Of COURSE I jumped at the opportunity to take Sophie!

She was fantastic. I have never seen Brian's grandma so alert and happy. She was very excited to pet Sophie and kept saying that she loved her. Many other residents came up to us and wanted to pet her. She really lit everyone up with smiles. Granted, Sophie is NO therapy dog. I wouldn't trust her on anyone's lap, and I had to watch her paws because she refuses to get her nails trimmed (we have to take her somewhere to get it done, and have someone hold her down... traumatic.) However it was great to see how calm she was with everyone petting her, it seemed like she really enjoyed the attention!

And hopefully you have enjoyed these random photos of our beer-loving pug!

Also, Coco tagged us in the Sixth Folder meme. Believe it or not, that's my Oliver folder, filled with (mostly scanned) pictures of Oliver, my first pug. Here is the picture:

This is at my grandma's shore house in Spring Lake, NJ. We were there for a while with my aunt while my mom moved- we had to move suddenly after my dad died. My aunt surprised us by bringing Oliver down too! He had a great time, and since Mom wasn't there, he got to sit at the dinner table with us. I have great memories of the shore and am glad that Oliver got to share it with us once!

For anyone who wants to do this- you're tagged! Here are the directions:

- Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
- Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture.
- Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture.
- Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin' them 'bout it.


Pug Posse said...

Love the pix! No wonder Pippin is so infatuated with Sophie...she's such a caring little pug :-) Coco tagged us too, so we're going to do the 6th folder meme...
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse

The Devil Dog said...

The Oliver photo is so cute. Mom thinks pugs would make great therapy dogs because they are companion dogs, and just want to be with humans. Fine job Sophie!


Lorenza said...

Good job Sophie!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

That is such a nice story, I bet it made the day or week of those folks to see Sophie!!

Kelly said...

Sophie BFF! You are so soothing and snuggly! It is NO surprise that those sweet people loved you!

Coco tagged me for that meme too... who knows what we'll find in our 6th folder. Off to see!

Big smooches to my famous-therapy-doggie-with-a-hott-spot BFF!

Too Cute Pugs said...

Yay Sophie! We're thinking of joining our dog group the next time they go on a therapy dog day (they usually go to a nursing home in the area).

We think it's great too that therapy dogs get to drink Guinness. That's Daddy's favorite drink!

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Anonymous said...

that's so cool that they let Sophie in! My plan from the get-go with Winston was to get him therapy certified, but Clementine's anxiety training needs and life in general has gotten in the way of this. Maybe I will make it my new year's resolution to start working on that again. Winston is so outgoing and LOVES people (so so so much more than he likes other dogs), I just think he would be great at it.

Nevis said...

Sophie & Oliver are just the cutest!

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

How wonderful to get to visit at the nursing home! I don't like to get my nails trimmed either, so I can relate with Sophie on that one!!

Ruby Bleu said...

Well Sophie always makes me smile...I'm glad she could share her love!!!! My Mom said to tell you she spent many a summer in Spring Lake in high school...but that was a million-zillion-bagillion years ago!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Murphy Dogg said...

Awesome job, Sophie! I could never be a therapy dog, because I'd try so hard to kiss the old people in their faces that I'd probably knock their (false) teeth out.
Murphy Dogg

Salinger The Pug said...

Wow Sophie! You did a very nice thing cheering up the people that live with Grandma!

I'm proud of you!

Love and kisses,
Your S-Dog