Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ending 2008

As you can see by Harley's face here... we've been exhausting the pugs and boring them at the same time.

We've spent LOTS of time with family celebrating Christmas and our engagement! Barely any of it involved pugs though, poor things.

Laura and Kevin came over with Salinger last night! We've been talking about doing this all year, and we are glad we finally all got together. Look what they made us:

This cake was in addition to the wonderful champagne, lasagna and caesar salad. What great pug friends!

Since Sophie and Salinger are "in love" (aka Sophie is Salinger's "beard") we had them exchange gifts. The pugs got Salinger a turtle-tennis-ball without knowing that Laura is deathly afraid of turtles! Whoops! We decided he is now an armadillo.

Salinger also received a shirt to help beef up his manliness... "SUP DAWG?"

It was QUITE difficult to get our pugs to act civilized when presented with gifts. Harles went from being a fine gentleman to an unruly ingrate!

Check out the bitey-face going on with Harles and Dixie. It wasn't pretty. How embarrassing.

Dixie really wanted to be involved in the human parts of the dinner.

We attempted to get some pictures of Salinger and Sophie.

After tons of running around, the pugs did get some down time. I told Kevin to enjoy what I experience every day- the PUG PILE!

Then we took some cheesy pictures of us cutting our engagement cake! Good practice for our wedding! We are thinking of a destination wedding to Mexico in early 2010. If anyone has any tips or experience, shoot ideas to our puggy e-mail (listed on the right).

And I can't not throw in a photo of handsome Salinger when it also features a classic Dixie noseguard!

Thanks Laura, Kevin, and Salinger for the Christmas/engagement celebration! Hope you are all having fun winding down 2008, and thanks for all the congratulations!


Salinger The Pug said...

Congrats again guys and thanks for having us over and for S-Dog's cool presents!

Salinger's turtle has been named "Homie" to keep with the whole "butching up" theme.

See you guys Saturday at Meetup! I'm crossing everything for some decent weather!

Happy Monday!

Salinger The Pug said...

Pee-S, the word verification on that last post was "louse"...HAHAHAHAHA!

Punchbugpug said...

What a fun time!!! You wrapped up that engagement party...Pug style! I think a destination wedding sounds wonderful! Although, myself I'd prefer a driving destination...ya know the whole FLYING THING.

The Devil Dog said...

What a great time you must have had. Boy, all those pugs must have been a blast. Dinner sounds great. Were there any leftovers for the pugs? Lucky and I got some green beans. they were GREAT.


Kelly said...

KELLLLLYYY!!! I have been gone for so long and look what I come back to find! A ROCK on your finger! Ahhhhhh!! Holy smokes that thing must be weighing you down! I am SO SO excited for you and Brian! OMG OMG! The pugs must be so excited too!

It looks like you guys had the best Christmas EVER! Can't wait to hear about all of the fun you'll have planning the big day!


P.S. Maybe it's time Sophie and S-Dog take the big plunge? You two could plan your weddings together? Just a thought...

Nevis said...

Congrats to you two!!!! I just got engaged last year, too!

And we're thinking about a destination wedding this coming summer...maybe the Disney Cruise?

Par said...

Such a happy puggie family!

Anonymous said...

Awww - what fun!! I'm right next door in Ohio - you should have called me!! har har - no freaking way could I get out of here. sadly.
Hope you had a good time and again CONGRATS!!

Clover said...

Huge congrats to your parents on their engagement!! YAAAY!! :) We are so happy for you!!
Love Clover xo

Joe Stains said...

Looks like a great party!! We never behave when company is over, so don't worry.

Anonymous said...

Yay! That looks like so much fun! Congrats again!!