We are home and the Bugg is resting! This morning and all day I was so nervous.
At the Vet's Office I took a picture with Dixie before I let her go, just to calm our (read: my) nerves. I was MUCH more sad/scared this time than when we took her for her spay. It shows how much more attached I am to her, day by day I just love my puggies more and more!
This is Dixie on the way home. She was shaking and very out of it and scared when I picked her up. After a few minutes though she was back to her old self and licking/kissing me and the people in the Vet's Office. It ended up costing us almost $200 less than our estimate, which was a great surprise. Gosh I love our Vet! They did dental work on her at the same time, since her breath is kickin' and her teeth are kind of icky. Dixie had two teeth extracted! Her breath is still stinky though, but the one tooth missing right at the front of her underbite is adorable enough to make up for it.
After we left the office, I let Dixie pee in the grass. She pee-mailed all the nice doggies who will visit there, then hopped in my car. Then I noticed the light brown stuff ALL OVER my car's seat... I said to myself, "please be mud, please be mud..." No, it was POOP! She had a huge chunk on her paw. I found a glove in my car and wiped up most of it and her paw. My car wreaked of poo though, and I had to quick scrub it down when we got home. That must have been like snack time for Dixie, aka the Baroness Poopeater.
Dixie has a shaved off section where her emergency IV catheter thing is (I don't even remember if that's what it's called... but you know what I mean.) They put it in at no cost as a precaution. Her butt bump is totally gone and off for a biopsy! There are a few little stitches that we'll get out in about 7-10 days. She is not very energetic right now and Sophie is very unhappy about that.
We are just glad to have our baby back home. I hope the biopsy shows that it was nothing so I won't be worried anymore! In any case, I know she is super loved by us, Sophie, and definitely the excellent staff at our Vet's Office. Oh and she knows she is loved by you blogger doggers too! Thanks for everything, everydoggie!