Hi everyone, Sophie here! In honor of Dixie's fourth Barkday, I am letting her write the post about the Sophie's Next Pug Model Week Four Challenge! Go for it, Dixie!

Look at that Barkday fierceness! Ok, here she goes...
Hi evrydogz, itz Dixie an it iz mah barkday. Tanks fur da barkday weeshes.
Dis weakz Sofee's next pug modal contess challunge will bee:
"All drezzed up an nowur ta go." (Sophie's translation: "All dressed up and nowhere to go!" email to PugandBugg@yahoo.com. It can be any kind of dressed up... real outfits, human clothes, doggie dresses, on purpose or by accident- anything!)
Dis iz me an mah Sofee drezzed up at da park. Wez lukin gud i tink. Yooz alredy seen dis picshure tho, mah Sofee postid it befur on da blog.

Enjoy dah picshure an da contess an mah barkday! -Dixie Bugg
Happy Barkday Dixie!!! W00t!!! I really don't like clothes...actually I hate them! But my Mom is in to torture sometimes and I think I could dig up a picture!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
The last time we got dressed up was for Blue and Snowball's bash in England. I hope I can persuade Mitch to put a tie on again! I'll sure try!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Barkday!!!! Hope you get lots of presents!
Snorts & Kisses,
~Harry Pugalicious
Happy Barkday, Dixie!!! Clementine LOVES to wear outfits so that will be no problem at all. Winston, on the other hand, gives up all will to live as soon as I put something on him....but I'll do my best.
HAPPY BARKDAY DIXIE!!! I hope you have a great day and that Sophie isn't "meen" to you (HAHAHA!).
Have fun at your PAWTY tonight and I hope you get lots of treats and maybe some new toys!
Lots of Love
Boy n Baby
Happy Barkday Dixie!!!!!
Dixie Bugg!
Happy barkday!! You look very cute in your photo! Thanks for letting us know about this week's challenge... we will try to find a good picture to submit!
Love Clover xo
Again, HAPPY barkday Dixie! And hmm....what to photo..what to photo...
Happy Barkday Dixie! Pawty on!
omdog we missed a week, can we still compete?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!
hi dixie bugg!
happy birthday again!
emmitt and i just emailed you our submission. please let us know if it did not arrive and we will resend it.
m & e
Happy Barkday to you! Happy Barkday to you! Happy Barkday dear Dixieeeeeeeeeeee! Happy Barkday to YOU!
I do not like to wear clothes. Ever. When I'm stuffed into them, I stand like a robot and do not walk.
Happy, happy Barkday Dixie! Its a great day for you!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Dixie
Happy Birthday to you.
Roxy & Lucky
Ooh, sorry we're late with the wishes - but we hope you had an extra special day!
Happy happy BARKDAY!!!!!
Pearl & Daisy
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