...that is the saying, right?
Our Mom and Dad are FINALLY hitched and went away to Jamaica without us! We stayed with Aunt Mary at Canine Retreat. Check out our cool digs:

I sent Mom and Dad this email (with help from Aunt Mary:)
Hi Mom and Dad!!!
Happy Honeymoon to you!!! It's your babies....Sophie, Dixie and Harley!!! We hope you are having a wonderful time!!! We are having a blast here at the retreat!! We bet you are having better weather than us but it's OK. That does not stop us from having fun!!
Hi Mom and Dad, it me Sophie!! I want to talk first!! I'm doing great!! I know that is really all you need to know!! Dixie and Harley are doing what I tell them to do. So, it's all good here!! We have a very spacious suite with a toddler bed and lots of room to move around. I am doing a good job eating my meals too. This place is great. Aunt Mary gives treats every time we come in from our potty break. I don't want you to worry one bit!! We really are well and soaking up every minute of hugs and kisses from Aunt Mary. She tells us the hugs and kisses are from you and Dad but we know she is giving a few from her too!! Stop it Dixie, I'm not done talking to Mom yet!!! Well, I guess that is it for now. I love you guys and hope you are having a wonderful time. Remember to wear sunscreen!!
Hi Mom and Dad...it's me Dixie!! WOW!!! This place is great!! You should see the play yard here. I run and run and run and I get so tired. I come back to the suite and take a nice nap!! I am eating well too. This place gives treats all the time too. It doesn't get any better than this, except when we are home with you guys!! As usual, Sophie thinks she runs the place better than Aunt Mary. Aunt Mary goes along with it but we share a wink every now and then. I am really happy!! I give Aunt Mary lots of kisses too. She really likes it, I can tell. I hope you and Dad are relaxing and having fun because we sure are!!
Oh Mom and Dad...what are we going to do with those girls? You should see the two of them swagging around Aunt Mary's place. I sit back and laugh at them most of the time. You know the girls!!! I love the toddler bed and the blankets here. That bed is one comfy place to nap. I am very busy in the play area checking things out too. So many smells and not enough time!! I am good and relaxing the day away. I hope you and Dad are having fun too!! Hold on Sophie, I want to say good bye to Mom and Dad...well, that is it for now. I love you guys and send hugs your way.....here is Sophie back. As you can see, things are normal around here.
OK, Mom and Dad. Know I have things under control here. I love you, well, I guess we all love you!! Relax and have a wonderful day!! We miss you and know you will be back to get us. In the meantime, Aunt Mary is doing a good job spoiling us. Take care...xoxoxoox
SOpHiE, DiXIe and HArlEY
Deew Sophie Dixie and Hawley
It sounds like youawe in a most special place while youw pawents awe on theiw honeys moons..I'm so glad fow all of you
hope you keep getting those tweats and comfy naps aftew playtime
smoochie kisses
That is a really cool retreat you guys got to stay at. We like the fancy bed. We heards your dad got a nasty sunburn. Careful jumping on him and stuff.
Stella, Gunther and Betty
What a cool place to stay!
A special bed and treats!
I know your having a good time, but I can tell by your letters to mom and dad how much you love them.
It won't be long now ans they will be home.
Sleep tite in that adorable little bed.
Congrats to Mom & Dad! Hope the big day went well. Looks like a nice "spa" (thats what my humans call it) they found for you. How nice of you to write them! I'm sure they miss you!!
Brutus the Frenchie
Congrats to Mom & Dad! Hope the big day went well. Looks like a nice "spa" (thats what my humans call it) they found for you. How nice of you to write them! I'm sure they miss you!!
Brutus the Frenchie
Congrats to mom and dad!!
Sophie, Dixie and Harley, it looks like you guys are enjoying your vacation too! Have fun!
Preston the puggle
Congratulations to your mom and dad! It sounds like you guys are having almost as much fun as they must be having in Jamaica!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Aw, what a cute message you guys sent to your parents while they were away! I bet they were excited to come home and see you.
And I looove the pink bed they had for you at the retreat!
P.S. Can't wait to see your parents' pics too!
Congrats to your mom & dad.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - enjoy your special retreat. It looks like a fun place to stay.
Congrats to your mom and dad! Looks like a fun camp where you're staying!
Dixie, honey! Did Aunt Mary teach ya how tuh spell, too?!?!?!
Whut a great place!
We can't wait to see the happy couple! You three look so cute in your suite.
woo congrats to your Mom and Dad!!
what a nice place to stay! treats all day long, a doggie dream! congratulations on the happy wedding day. hopefully we will get to see a few wedding pictures.
big hugs,
yea..congratulations to mom and paw. But isn't that child neglect leaving you guys at home?
Benny & Lily
Awww guys! I can't WAIT to hear about your wedding and see photos!!! Since I'm currently planning our wedding reception...got any good tips or advice for me?
Oh, and of course...forgot to say...CONGRATS!!!! I wish you guys TONS and TONS of happiness!!!
My mom and dad went to Jamaica for their honeymoon, too. The nerve!!
Sniffs & snorts,
Congrats to your Mom and Dad! Now if only you guys can tell me the secret to getting your parents married. Mine have been going together for almost a dozen years and are not married yet! I need help!
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