Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Crazy Week!

WOW do we have a lot to fill you in on! It's me, Sophie, writing, but naturally Mom has given me a list of things to mention. Nice, right? Come on Mom... just let me type!!!!

For Thanksgiving our awesome Uncle Steve was in town!!!! Here he is putting up with my siblings. When they were done annoying him I snuggled him crazy amounts.

Mom and Dad had a stinky Thanksgiving. They found out that money they were promised for their wedding won't be coming anymore and they had to cancel their reception. I think that's crazy because I can't imagine a wedding would cost more than 3 bags of kibble and MAYBE a treat bag, right? Well apparently it's "okay" since our pawrents are having their ceremony still March 20 and then some parties in the summer. Which we can probably attend!!!!!!!! So I'm happy even though they're a little sad.

They worked out the details to their new wedding plans all week so they were BORING. Then on Saturday (yesterday) Mom abandoned us for another pug! She transported a pug named Madison from Lebanon (north of Indianapolis) to Greenwood (south of Indianapolis.) Here she is...

She was coming from South Bend Indiana (where Notre Dame is, right at the top of the state) and going to Kentucky. She was stinky (I could smell her all over Mom later!) and she said she was really timid. She was also so skinny...

Here is a video of her, Mom is too obsessed with other pugs and not enough with ME!

Mom gave her a hug (ew Mom, you could have showered) and then passed her along to the next driver. She's probably all bathed (sorry Madison!) and fed (YAY!) by now in her foster home.

Then when she got home her and Dad were cleaning for like HOURS! They didn't even go to meetup!!!!!!! Luckily Salinger's Mom knows what's up and stopped by after. I got to see Myyyy Holdennnnn!

Then Harley got pets and then sneezed all over Holden.

Aunt Laura took home a bunch of Sal's stuff that Mom borrowed for Bugg's calender shoot, and then she gave Mom some waffles and stuffing!!!!!!! I hope Mom shares!

Salinger stuck out his tooth and sat in the corner with our shoes. I guess he's still not over the fact that we broke up. Oh well! More treats for me!

I got lots and lots of pets from My Holden. I am so glad he visited me (he clearly just came for me, duh!)

After they left, Mom and Dad went to Goodwill, but didn't come back till late because Daddy's grandma was in the ER. Luckily she is doing alright but it was scary!

Things have been so crazy lately and 2009 is almost over. We can't wait for 2010 since it's going to be a much better year!


Puglette said...

awww...i'm sorry to hear about the change in plans for your wedding reception. just a few suggestions, when planning mine i checked into meeting halls in parks and local clubs. some were pretty reasonable. when my nephew got married we had a pot luck reception. i remember sitting in my sister's kitchen making sandwiches with my dad. it was fun! i had a really cheap wedding, less than $3000 total. and at this last thanksgiving, my sister in law said it was the best wedding she had been's the friends and family and the love we share that makes weddings so wonderful.
big hugs,

Jemima Jones Beck said...

Wow. We are sure sorry to hear about your wedding plans!

agent99 said...

Uhg. Wedding reality hits home. Got a fancy schmancy computer program to manage all this - for the planner. Turns out that my budget is about 65% of the amount projected we need. That'll be .....interesting.
Gen & Foo are very jealous you guys have so many local buddies. We need more pugness!


Kelly said...

Madison is SO cute! I loved the video of her waggy tail- I hope she finds the love and security of a warm home that she so deserves.

And YAY for your Holden stopping by! Momma tried to get Auntie Laura to mail him to us for Christmas... but she says we'd want to send him back! hehehe!

xoxo BFF

Salinger The Pug said...

I'm sorry that I was being anti-social and just sat there with my tooth hanging out. Mom calls it "overstimulation".

Holden talked about "his Soph" the whoooole way home. Sheesh.

We know your pawents' marriage will be perfect because they have each other...the wedding is just ONE day out of it. All will turn out just fine and they'll have great memories to smile back on either way!

S-Dog (and Laura)

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Wow that is a busy week! We are glad to see someone is giving you attnetion, Holden :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

awww thank you for updating us on everything. Wonder if you can sell a bag of kibble to help with the reception? Hmmm...
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

I am sorry about your grandma. I hope she is doing better quickly.

I did the whole clean up thing this weekend too.. I hate it. :p

haha poor Salinger!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi friends! Sorry to hear things have been crappy. Sending puggy hugs and kisses your way.
I can see that visit from Holden made you feel better!!
And we are sorry about your grandma - hope she feels better soon.

Hank said...

Thanks for the pics of Madison!

AND....for helping with the transport!


BRUTUS said...

How nice that your mom gets to help out with rescue!! So many pugs, so little time.... We bet that the "Plan B" wedding will be more fun anyways!!

Brutus the Frenchie

Nevis said...

Sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear about your wedding reception plans. I hear you, though. My reception will probally be little more than a party at my house since Terry and I just don't have money to afford anything fancier. *sigh* (((HUGS)))

And Madison is adorable!

Anonymous said...

aw, that poor baby was so skinny! so glad she's found a better place to be!

and so sorry to hear about the reception cancellation.....BUT, it sounds like you've come up with a good alternative,and I'm sure you'll have fun either way!