So we were browsing the internets searching for pug beauty tips (not that I, Sophie, need them, just looking to see if the trends have caught up with me yet) and found this card on etsy. It's by seller gemmabear.

I thought it was pretty neat, I mean, good message of course and a handsome little pug... but then it hit me... I think I know that pug?!?!?! I think it's my "fabulous" ex-boyfriend Sal!

I would know that salty scowl anywhere. But Salinger is usually better about neat and trim body grooming... I don't imagine that he'd leave stubble like the pug pictured. Maybe that was added for effect afterwards.
The shop also has prints and cards of some other dog types, like Bostons, Frenchies, and Chihuahuas! Check it out!

I hope you all learned a valuable lesson... photos from your past- even cheap modeling jobs you did to pay the rent- can come back to haunt you. Make 'em sign something.
It DOES look like Salinger! His secret is revealed!
Miley says not to look at that site as she has some photos from the past that are not very flattering.
CRRRRRAP!!!! I never thought those pics from my trip to Fire Island with Pugsley would come back to bite me in the PugButt! Did Pearl put you up to this? If you sold my likeness to Gemmabear, I would hope that you would be a good and decent "ex-beard" and give me at least HALF of whatever you made!
If I show up on TMZ, you'd better get yourself a good lawyer because it'll be ON !!!!
"Salty scowl" that is a great description of his 1 of a kind pug mug.
Haha! Great look alike. And those are some cool cards.
You sure did find some cute pictures and sayings while you were browsing the internet. We have a feeling it is Salinger.
Benny & Lily
Haha you guys are so funny!! I love the pink snuggie from the last post too. I will tell my mom to look for one when she goes to the States - I don't think they have them here....
Please pass on a big hug and kiss to Harles for me!
How fun! That is one FAT frenchie on the card!!
So funny it looks like Salinger BOL!!!
Too funny!! Looks almost just like the ex. Cool cards
Sophie, I can't believe you would expose Salinger's dirty little secrets like that. Poor Salinger!!
Very cool! I wonder if they have any Bichons gone wild...
Hahaha that totally does look Salinger.. geez.. that must have been when he was hitting the sauce!
We love the look a like pictures, but seriously what is up with that chest hair? Bol
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
My BPF/Life Partner is such a HOTTIE!!!
Love the cards:) The card kind of does look like Salinger.
Hope to see you guys soon!!
Pugslel & Lola
what cute pictures! i certainly hope no one else has secret photos show up on the internets!
Wow, Sophie, honey....Sal sounds pretty honked off!
HA HA HAH!! that totally looked like Salinger!
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