We've had kind of a... crazy weekend here at Pugs & Bugg's. I have lot of updating to make the pugs do this week, including a State Fair recap, info about their visit with Uncle Steve, GREAT notecards that we won, and a hilarious lazer pointer video. But in the meantime... check out this tumbler!

Growing up in New Jersey, my grandma owned a house in Spring Lake where we spent our summers. (ps... just read in the wikipedia article I linked here which says that Spring Lake has the "highest percentage of Irish Americans of any municipality in the United States." That really explains the TWO BILLION freckled red-heads I hung out with every summer. And also explains why I have a freckle obsession/jealousy issues.) I digress...
My grandma had these fab short glasses that were sort of double-layered like you see above, and had balloons embroidered illustrations on the inside. I used those every year for most of my life. I happened upon identical-style glasses (sans balloons) in a gift store one day, and found out they are called Tervis Tumblers. And- MANY styles are available... including this pug design.
I severely try to limit my pug paraphinalia, lest I become worse than a "crazy cat lady", but I still think these are adorable! A set of 2 or 4 would make a great gift. Plus- they have something for everyone- sports teams, regional icons, even monograms! Check them out!
Wedding registry!!!!
Too fun - a pug in your mug (I know it's really a glass, but that doesn't sound as cute)! We though of all our puggy friends this weekend at the dog fair - met a bunch of humans & pugs from Ohio pug rescue!
Brutus the Frenchie
(p.s. you can never have too much dog stuff, the trick is just not to have too much of it visible all at the same time, lest you be thought of as the crazy dog lady..)
aww that's a cute glass. HEHE I'm a crazy pug and cat lady.
We thinks those are very fun glasses.
My moms would love them for sure!
Those are some cute glasses. Yep, cant get enough pug glasses. My mom does the same with scottie glasses, mugs etc. so we completely understand. :-)
Tail wags
I think those look cute! And I've seen those cups, too!
First - thanks for finding me at I Do At the Zoo! Second - lovin that I found you :) Third - love Tervis Tumbles, I will have to see if they have a Siberian Husky style available :)
You could never be the crazy pug lady!! The glasses re really cute. Harry's right, they would make a great wedding present =) Can't wait for the rest of the updates!!
I think crazy pug people are the best people on the planet, so you stock up on any and all paraphernalia you like! You're the best!!
omg!! those are too cute, must have immediatly! what a great find!
oh, i keep forgetting to tell you that i love, love, love your header photo. they all look so adorable and the colors are wonderful!
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