Thursday, May 29, 2008

SNPM Challenge 3...

Hi pugs, terriers, and the like:

It's Sophie. I apologize for Dixie's dumbness yesterday. Mommy is home today and is BORING and tired so I am writing a quick entry to announce the SNPM week 3 challenge.

The challenge is: "I am soooo sleepy!"

Notice how fierce I look while being sleepy, but also notice how my left eye is just sliiiiightly open, looking out for photographers like Mommy who might take my photo.

Good luck getting your photos in! We had like, HALF the amount of models last week, so if you missed last week, you can still play! We understand it was a busy holiday weekend.

Send your pictures to! Can't wait to see all of you being cute and fierce and snuggly! Have a pugalicious day!


Petra said...

Oh, that's a great picture of you! My mom would enter a picture of me but she doesn't know how to do it. She's not very smart and even though she has me to help, she is a slow learner.

Harry Pugalicious said...

My mom says we're entering this round for sure. I couldn't enter the last round as there are no pictures of me being bad - you can't capture what never happens!

(Note from Harry's Mom - I usually only find the aftermath of Harry's mischief and was too distracted to stage something.)

Harry P

Ruby Bleu said...

OMD this is pawsome...have you read my blog on Sunday's??? Now which photo to choose from....hmmmm...

Lots of Licks, ruby

Clover said...

Yeah I am excited to get this picture to you...!
I love Dixie's Cookun Skool - I will definitely have my mom make them for me!
Love Clover xo

Duke said...

This picture shouldn't be too hard to capture! Who doesn't sleep?!
Great challenge!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

OoH, this one is gonna be so easy! This is one of our favoritest things to do and will be no problemo!
Ozzie & Rocky

Too Cute Pugs said...

Our mommy says it will be so easy to get a picture for this week's challenge. but we're like, why? What the heck are you talking about mom? We do other things like eat and sniff and snuggle and nap. We don't sleep ALL the time.

Happy pug snorts!
Pearl & Daisy

The Devil Dog said...

That is a great picture of you. We should have no problem with this challenge. Everyone says we are always sleeping.

Roxy & Lucky

Archie and Melissa said...

great challenge!
i cannot wait to see everyone's entries. emmitt is excited because he is good at this one and knows he has a fighting chance. :)
m & e

Duke said...

We just emailed our pictures to you, Sophie and Dixie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch