Friday, May 16, 2008

OMD!!!! So Many Pug Models!

Hi everyone! We have had a GREAT response to SNPM... in fact, there are 25 blog-dogs registered, and then four dogs from Mommy's friends that want to play too- but they're not blogging- yet. Some people have asked my Mommy about if their non-pug, non-terrierist dogs can play- of course they can! ALL BREEDS WELCOME! Pug Modeling is more meaning the "pug style" of modeling, which means being gorgeous and into yourself and irresistible.

The blog dogs participating are: Winston, Clementine, Giggs, Chewie, Chloe, Zoey, Rosie, Marty, Ozzie, Rocky, Ruby Bleu, Weeny, Daisy, Bella, Perogi, Maggie, Mitch, Mylo, Joe Stains, Tanner, Stanley, Roxy, Lucky, Indy, Gus, and Ike.

The non-blog dogs participating are: Ruby, Lola, Izzy, and Zoey. Zoey is a blog dog, sort of, her mom writes a travel blog, but she doesn't get to write.

Please let my Mommy know if you want to participate but you aren't listed. Also, because we have two Zoey dogs, they will be known as Zoey Pug and Zoey Pom. Note that there are two Ruby dogs- Ruby Bleu (the blogging BT) and Ruby (the non-blogging mutt puppy).

We have gotten pictures from Winston, Clementine, Ruby Bleu, Maggie, Mitch, Mylo, Roxy, Lucky, Indy, and Gus- thanks guys! Mommy REALLY liked them. Keep sending them in, everyone else! The competition is more FIERCE than a feline!

Since we have THIRTY dogs, I am thinking 8 weeks? Tell me or Mommy if you think this is too long/short. That means only eight of you will win a Weekly Challenge- but you know I think you are all H-O-T. I just wanted to make sure that was okay with all my Bark-Buddies!!

Can't wait to start the judge's panel!


Ruby Bleu said...

I'm sure that in eight weeks my true Diva modeling style will shine thru...this is so fierce - W00T!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

P(ee)S: Did you have Ike the very handsome male boston terrier done too???

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

This is what I get for letting Dixie count the participants... what a doof! We added him, Thanks Ruby!!!! You need to write your post about our hot hot contest!!!!

Punchbugpug said...

8 weeks will be fun. We are cultivating ideas for our first set of photos.....

Anonymous said...

8 weeks sounds good to me! Looking forward to the next challenge since I got so ADD about the first one and did it RIGHT AWAY!

Archie and Melissa said...

Emmitt just sent in his entry. What a great contest!
:) m & e

Clover said...

Hi girls!!! Am I too late?! Oh no, I hope I am not, I SOOO want to play!!!
Love Clover xo

Duke said...

We think 8 weeks is perfect! We're super excited about this!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

I'm just a friend of your mommy's but I will be keeping up on the competition, can't wait to see which pug is Sophie's Next Pug Model! Good luck to all the FIERCE contestants, and remember to "smile with your eyes!"

hugs and kisses,
your aunt jemas
(who will meet you soon!)

Nevis said...

My two puggies are in! Napoleon & Rukia!

Myeo said...

I am keen to enter this competition and i think 8 weeks is just fine. I have just email you with my entry.


Too Cute Pugs said...

We want to play - Pearl & Daisy

We took our pictures. Mommy just has to get them from the camera!

Pug snorts from,
Pearl & Daisy