Thursday, May 22, 2008

SNPM Challenge 2...

A few days ago, I was doing some work on the computer and I heard a commotion. I thought perhaps the girls were going after a stray sock left in the bathroom, so I went in there to get it from them.

I was quite surprised to find that Sophie and Dixie had jumped in the bathtub!! They (well mostly Sophie) despise their baths, and have never ever done this before. Dixie is more nimble and jumped right out, and because of Sophie's knee problems, I had to lift her out. I closed the bathroom door and left.

This continued on for three more times! Unfortunately our old house's doors can be wriggled open and they continued to jump in the tub- for reasons beyond to me. On the fourth time, I went in with my camera. Dixie escaped, as usual, but Sophie knew, as she tried to get out... "I'm in TROUBLE!!!!!"

That's why this week's SNPM Challenege will be themed "I'm in Trouble!"

Submit your photo of your dog where it's clear that they are in t-r-o-u-b-l-e! Perhaps they destroyed a stuffy and are standing amidst the wreckage? Or chewed down a table leg to a mere peg, and are trying to hide under the table? You know exactly what kind of picture I'm talking about. Please also submit the story behind the picture and some notes about your modeling skills- they make it so much more interesting for the panel! As usual, email to by Tuesday (May 27).

Thanks, loyal dog bloggers! Can't wait to see the pictures!


Archie and Melissa said...

Oh this is so fun!
I love your story and pictures of Sophie caught in the act.
I am going to have to catch Emmitt getting into something he shouldn't. He does it all the time, I just ahve to be quick enough to capture it!
:) Melissa

Punchbugpug said...

Love the tub!!! This one is going to be hard, everyone is so perfect in our house! HAHAHA

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh I know EXACTLY which pix I'm going to post. I've posted about it before, but it fits the bill for this challenge. Oh, I can't wait...I'll do it tonight!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We are always such angels, this is going to take some doing, ha! ha!

Clover said...

I'm excited, I love this competition!
But since I am such a good dog it may take a while for me to find such a photo... hmmm....
Love Clover xo

Duke said...

We'll have to put our thinking caps on for this one! Getting in trouble is such fun! hehehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stanley said...

I'm ON the job! We'll canvass the gallery of photos and find some good ones for the panel. It's all about them having a good time!

Goober love,

The Devil Dog said...

Hahahahaha This is going to be so easy for me, as I almost always get caught getting in trouble. hee hee
As for the tub, maybe they like the slide in.


Joe Stains said...

This will be very hard for me since I am soooo good!

Myeo said...

This is tough. I never got myself in trouble (mom: yeah, sure). I will think of something.


Nevis said...

I have JUST such a photo shoot. I'll have to find them, though...they're on my old computer...

Emily and Ike said...

I promise I will try harder this week - I just have so many problems - you know with my weight and my OCD and all the temptations of the big city. I mean, I really appreciate being picked and being here. I promise I will try not to fight with my house mates and will work on looking fierce.

Puggle Preston said...

hmm..wonder if my mommy is going to sumbit an old picture for this challenge or hmm...I can definitely help out if she prefer taking a new one?


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness i love these challenges...i also love the bath tub shoot... one time i was in the bath covered in bubbles and decided to jump out [ i was really needing to do my business] anyway i was running all over the house in bubbles.that was a lot of fun.

lots of licks


SotongFurkids said...

This is tough ! We were always in trouble but Mom has never at one time caught us doing it... lolx...
So i guess we have to wait for the next challenge.
Twister & Furby