Sunday, May 18, 2008

Busy Weekend... for the Humans!

The humans did all sorts of weird house stuff yesterday and today. For example, Daddy got up on a ladder, and was grabbing stuff from the top of the house! We sat inside on top of our crate and watched.

We are hoping to get a fun walk today, maybe the Monon? We did some modeling yesterday and want to get some exercise in. I refuse to let Dixie's modeling shots outshine mine!

It's not my necklace, but Mommy let me borrow it.

That's it for now- maybe we'll have more fun stuff later! Oh yea, and Mommy said to tell you guys that she got a BUNCH more entries into the contest! However, Mommy left her spreadsheet of the participants who registered at work on her zip drive. She will update you all on who is going to be in the contest on Monday- so you have to enter before then! Can't wait to show you the pictures on Tuesday!


Duke said...

Your mom's necklace looks so pretty on you, Sophie! Red is definitely your color!
We can't wait to see the pictures on Tuesday!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

what a great necklace! We can't wait to see all the contest entries!!!