Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Mommy and Daddy brought us some PREZZIES from Florida! They are poopy and forgot to give them to us until today.

Of course one of them isn't really a present for us! The first one was though- it was an ALLIGATOR squeaky toy! It was not too squeaky, because that annoys Mommy. It's green and white and SUPER cute. Dixie thought it was hers.

Which, uh, I did not agree with, so I took it.

Stupid Mommy and Daddy, you should have gotten us TWO!

Also they got a set of chili-pug salt and pepper shakers! It was in a chili-pepper themed store that had food, dips, hot sauces, painted wine glasses, and lots of salt and pepper shakers.

Mommy saw it in the window while they were closed and waited for the owner to come so they could buy it!

The green chili pug kisses the red chili pug because they have magnets in them. They're by Pug-nacious Pugs, which makes figurines, salt shakers, ornaments, and even a COOKIE JAR! I like them, although they are not a real prezzie since we can't touch them. But they're fawn which is the only REAL color to be if you're a pug, so like, I guess they can stay.

Mommy read a pug-themed book over vacation and I need to remind her to write all about it tomorrow when she's back at work. Remind her please- I might forget too!


The Devil Dog said...

The alligator looks like a lot of fun. I would only want it if Lucky wants it. If she doesn't then I couldn't care less. We loved the salt and pepper shaker, and all the great pictures.

Roxy & Lucky

Duke said...

How adorable the salt and pepper shakers are! They look just like you guys! We think that squeaky alligator is just too neat!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch