Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bugg's Butt Bump Update #2

So, the Bugg's V-E-T trip went well, but she left me, precious Sophie, ALL ALONE for like an hour. I was not happy. Anyways she told me how it went.

Naturally, she got tangled in the leash within oh five minutes of being in the V-E-T's office.

Her butt bump looked a lot worse today. It looks like it irritated her and that she was probably scratching or biting it. The nurse said it could also be a cyst or even a wart. They are going to do surgery tomorrow to remove it and then do some tests to find out what the mysterious butt bump is. They also took Dixie's temperature through her butt, and the nurse was like, "oh my dog, she doesn't even notice!" Yea, that's the prison bugg for her. Mom said her tail wagged the whole time she had a thermometer in her butt.

Don't worry though, she left her shedding mark on the V-E-T's table. Mommy says the V-E-T left their mark on her wallet, whatever that means.

Tomorrow Dixie will be in the hospital and I will be alone all day. I do not do well alone. Anyone want to have a pawty???


Eduardo said...

Awww Sophie! While Dixie is good I'll have a pawty with you!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the snuggle Puggle
p.s. Sorry the butt bump mystery isn't solved yet!

Brutus and Miley said...

Poor Sophie and Dixie! I would love to have you over. Mom is leaving on a short trip! Aunt Tracy is watching us. Well me, Ollie is staying boarded, whatever that means.

Good luck tomorrow in surgery bugg. We'll be thinking about you and love the updates.
Lots of smells and licks.

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh poor wittle Dixie! I sure hope everything goes well tomorrow. I'll be thinking good thoughts and crossing my paws. Now Sophie, you'll do just fine for 1 day...I promise.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jen and Suki said...

Sophie, I'll have a pawty with you. I'm afraid we dominant puggy girls might be two too many big pawsonalities in one place though. But I'm willing to try it out for you, lady!

Jen and Suki said...

Pee.S. Best of luck to Dixie, poor girl.

Duke said...

We're sending lots of AireZen for Dixie!
Tell your mom that you need a movie and some popcorn and some special girlie time. Sophie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry Pugalicious said...

I would love to party with you Sophie. I get left every day with that cat. She never wants to play with me.

Hope things go OK for Dixie, poor girl.

Myeo said...

We hope Dixie will get well soon and tat her surgery will be smooth.

Boy n Baby

Nevis said...

Aww...poor Dixie! We'll definately keep you and your family in our thoughts/prayers! This will all end up being nothing but a memory in a month. :)

Salinger The Pug said...

I'll be over there in a flash my little Puggy Muffin!!!! ;-)

I'm sure Dixie will be just fine and we'll be waiting to hear some good news!

Love and kisses,

S-Dog (and his peeps)

Anonymous said...

Poor Sophie.. I am sure you will be fine all alone.. you can catch up on your beauty sleep.. beside the Bugg will be home before you know it.
I hope Bugg does well tomorrow too..