Sunday, July 6, 2008

Puggies of July

This weekend was SUPER busy, it seemed like the 5th was more busy than the 4th! (Which I found out was what the FORK of July really is, the FOURTH!) Check me out in my crown...

At our puggie meetup yesterday, I got to eat pupcakes and wear my birthday hat because it was my belated barkday pawty!!!! Mommy didn't make a cake though because she was soooo tired... Dixie- NOT ME- kept her and Daddy up barking once for every firework. Mommy was not happy about that! But I still love them... look at this picture of us... how cute are my humans?!?!

They were so nice celebrating my 5th Barkday in the park with all my gal and guy friends. There was a baby Frenchie/Pug mix and I am mad Mommy didn't take a picture of him! He was great. I was kind of poopy and the humans think it is because I am a little more scared since I got attacked. I was still nice to see Salinger though, since he is my boyfriend. I'll ignore the fact that he makes out with Pugsley in front of me... since he is super cute!

Boyfriend Salinger even gave me a pupcake.... it was very nice of him. He let Mommy take home some pupcakes... we REALLY wanted to eat them all there.

She put them in a birthday hat which I thought was funny! OH YEAH! I almost forgot. There was another Sophie at the meetup this month!

Here is Salinger's Mommy holding the impostor Sophie and I am in Mommy's arms. Other Sophie ALSO wore a patriotic bandana. I look less than impressed with this carbon-copy Sophie. She was nice and happy and running around which is why she has her tongue out... I was poopy and barked at dogs that were fighting so I look like as Mommy says a "con-stir-patid" grump.

Thanks again for all the belated barkday wishes! I hope all of you had great Holiday weekends and LOTS of table scraps!


Archie and Melissa said...

Still laughing!
sophie you are so funny! what a great weekend and birthday party!
melissa and emmitt

Ruby Bleu said... were busy. And those pupcakes look pawsome!! The weekend was ok for me...I mean I liked having mom home and all, but those darn fireworks. I hate'em!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

How cool that you get to meet Salinger at the puggie meet-up and how sweet that he brought pupcakes!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Nevis said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful time and your parents are adorable! They look awesome together; very happy.

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Happy belated birthday Sophie! Looks like you guyz had a pawsome time!
Ozzie & Rocky

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated! I'm glad you had fun at your pawty :) It looked like lots of fun, minus the grumpy part. But I am sure that in a little bit you will bounce back, it is part of the puggy nature!

Salinger The Pug said...

Hi Sophie and Bugg! I'm SO glad I got to play with you and Sophie, I'm sorry that I was making out with Pugsley so much...I'm just going though an "experimental" phase I guess!

Mom said to tell you that she posted a YouTube video of the Pug Meetup on our page and you can see Rosco (the cute Pug/Frenchie mix). He's the black skinny looking dog that's straining at his leash!

I hope you had a fun party and didn't get a tummy ache from too many pupcakes! Maybe the bananas will help you be less "con-stir-pated!" HAHAHAHA!

Love and kisses,


Jen and Suki said...

Yum, pupcakes! What a charming life you p/bugs lead over there in Indiana! One time mom accidentally ate a pupcake at one of my meet-ups... she'll never make that mistake again because they are for PUPS and she just couldn't appreciate the taste.

The Devil Dog said...

You are very funny, Sophie. We are glad you had a nice meet up and birthday party. Pupcakes sound good.

Roxy & Lucky