Thursday, July 10, 2008


OMD... Mommy here, and I have found the BEST doggie website,! I e-mailed asking the owner about the Buddy Belts (as mentioned previously) and she is super cool and is really all about helping dogs with safe and fun toys and necessities. Please check out her website, and I cannot wait to order the girls their Buddy Belts! (She has a great exchange policy to make sure they will fit my pudgy-petite girlies.) Now, it's just time to pick the colors... I am not sure that the pink one is going to fly with the boyfriend...


Archie and Melissa said...

oh how cooool!
i cannot wait to see what you choose. :)
m & e

Anonymous said...

Haha Indy is all pink.. I think it was the hubby's idea for a pink leash.. we got tired of everyone calling Indy a boy when she had a red collar. :p
Thanks for the link, I think I will have to take a peek!

Anonymous said...

ooooh - did you see the thing about the anxiety wrap?? Do you think that would help Sophie in her crate at night?

Anonymous said...

Aaand - when do the final four contests begin?? I'm waiting impatiently to see the final challenges!

Anonymous said...

I was actually trying to think of what the next contest could be - I'd be happy to do one, so you don't have to do all the emailing and uploading and posting. What do you think a good one would be? email me any thoughts:
ladybug_on_an_island at