Monday, June 30, 2008

Mommy's Back!

Hi everyone! I am back and EXHAUSTED! I am going with Brian's mom and sister to get pedicures and massages soon, but I had to do a quick post.

Brian sent me these photos during my time in Cali, and it kept me going all week! It was like 100+ degrees everyday, I couldn't help but think that the pugs would perish in that weather! Look at these cuties....

I was sad that I missed Sophie's birthday! Guess what she got for her birthday... MAULED! Yes the dog next door attacked her, it held on and wouldn't let go. I will let her tell you more about it when she blogs later. And don't worry, she's fine.

Check back later for more! AND DON'T FORGET ABOUT SNPM!!!!


Ruby Bleu said...

Welcome Back Mommee...

Thanks for the reminder about the challenge...need to get to work on that tonight!

That sounds scawie for poor Sophie...sure hope she is ok!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Archie and Melissa said...

ooooooh sooooophieeee!
i am so relieved she is ok. the pictures are so cute. i am glad you are home!
:) melissa

Anonymous said...

Oh my poor Sophie... getting attacked on her birthday. I'm soo glad she is ok.

lots of licks


Molly the Airedale said...

Well that's sure not an appropriate birthday pressie for you, Sophie! Shame on that doggie! He'll get a box of poop from us on his birthday!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Rachel said...

Oh, those pictures are so pathetic! Not only are they subtitled in misery, but their little faces just scream "Daddy is not adequate!! Where is da mommeeee??"
SO glad you are back and that Sophie is OK - looking forward to seeing all the great LOL entries!

Salinger The Pug said...

MAULED? That's a hell of a birthday present!

I'd love to practice my new talent and hike my leg up on that big jerk!

I'll kiss all your owies this weekend my little puggy muffin!


Unknown said...

^^that was me. Keep forgetting to sign out of my work account.

Joe Stains said...

omdog, MAULED?! That is so terrible :( We are so glad you are back she must be so happy to see you after that experience.

Bella and Perogi said...

Welcome back!!! I can't believe that Sophie got attacked. Thank goodness she's ok. Perogi got attacked by a greyhound a couple months ago, it's very scary. Luckily he was more shaken up than hurt.

Perhaps we shall enter the challenge this week now that things have calmed down around our house, as long as it's not too late...

The Devil Dog said...

Wow! Action packed blog! First, glad you are back, the signs are great. Two, sorry you missed Sophie's Birthday, we are sure you will make it up to her. Third, and what is happening to the dog next door. We certainly hope something!
We can't wait to read about it.
