So Lilo was right (since her MOMMMM is friends with our MOMMMMM) that we were doing something called "e-pics?" We learned tonight that that stands for engagement pictures. Why do humans use so many abbreviations??!!!?!?! Mom even abbreviates "abbreviations" as "abbrevs!" Sheesh!
We went downtown and there is this COOL tall skinny carved-looking monument with steps going up to it. We took a ton of pictures and so did the pawrents, some without us but most with us, obviously. Bad part was the shirts they made us wear. They said "save" "the" and "date." Mom said they're for our save the date cards, but we are pretty behind on what that means. Anywho here are some pictures Mom took...
This picture below is from the photographer's iPhone. Her name is Erin and she is SUPER PAWESOME!! Her husband John took super good care of us when we weren't in pictures. And they also came with Diana who has a black lab and LOVED giving us butt scratchies!

This one is from Dad's phone... how totally modelesque am I?

Here I am with my momager (mom manager, duh!) and photographer Erin whose company is Erin Hession Photography.

After the shoot we went home but then Mommy went to DINNER with Erin and John!! Some Mexican restaurant. I'm sure they put us at home because the paw-parazzi would be all over us.
We promise not to forget about you all when we're famous beyond belief.
Oh my gosh, those Save the Date cards are going to be TOO CUTE! :)
OMDDD Sophie Sophie! You look like Heidi Klumpug! GORGEOUS! I bet that photog lady just pretended to take pics of your pawrents, but really had the camera zoomed in on YOU all night!
Good! I'd hate to be forgotten just because I'm 'one of those dogs you knew back when'....! Great pictures!!!
*kissey face*
Can not wait to see your card debut!!! They are going to be AMAZING!! You are the next big thing and we will be able to say we knew you when! =)
Mom is laughing so hard rights now! She says "that's hysterical!" I dunno what she means, but she says your Mom is super creatives.
I thinks y'all looks cute in your shirts though - but what's wrong with the date? Why's it gots to be saved? Is it sick? Is it in danger? What kind of statement are you makings?
My mom thinks that your mom had such a good idea! My mom says that she ordered her 'save the date' cards. Whatever! But she did tell me that when her and dad get pictures taken that Toby and I will be in them! I just know that we will steal the spotlight!
Love, Marlene
Wow - celebrities! Don't let the fame go to your heads and always remember the little people.
Lots of treats,
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
hahahaha please remember us when you are "famous beyond belief"!!
But really, you are super adorable and of course you will have to look out for the paw-parazzi now. Can't wait to see how your pictures turn out!
guys, can I get a Pawtograph, like now?? in fact, I need two. One for me and the other one to be sold at a inmensely huge amount of money on e-bay in about a year or two.
Thank you
Totally cool!!! And the best kind of models are the famous ones. you guys are totally on the right path to stardom
Those cards are going to be super cute. Sophie you are so beautiful!
Well, that is nice to know that you won't forget your friends. lol. What a great idea, save the date! Absolutely genius.
omdog what a clever idea! we cannot wait to see the final results!!
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