Saturday, March 14, 2009

IGNORED for Jodi??

Mommy hung out with me (Sophie) and the rest all morning. Then she went to an interview at some place. She came home and then RIGHT at five her and dad left. They JUST got home. What did they ignore us for??? Someone named Jodi.

Mom came back with books and pictures. She keeps saying tomorrow will be so good we'll forget about being neglected. But I found out they drove all the way to OHIO! That's another STATE! I hope they really can make this up to us....

Mommy's note: We went to Dayton to see Jodi Picoult, my FAVORITE author! And tomorrow is March in the Pugs... watch out, puggies!


Anonymous said...

cool beans! it's always good to meet current authors....I feel like a lot of people think that all the good authors are dead...but there are so many good modern writers that you can meet and talk to!

Joe Stains said...

Mom has read a couple of those ladies books too, so cool you got to meet her!

Apollo said...

She's Mommy's favorite author too!